
February 28, 2025 03:15 PM MST
Make studying the Savior's final week a natural part of your day.
1 Min Read
December 20, 2024 02:30 PM MST
One mom finds peace during the weeks before Christmas with a routine inspired by Mary's journey to Bethlehem.
3 Min Read
December 18, 2024 03:07 PM MST
Looking for ideas to make Christmas Day even more meaningful? Here are some fun ways to help your family focus on giving.
4 Min Read
December 09, 2024 10:54 AM MST
Try these simple activities to keep your family’s focus on the Savior.
3 Min Read
November 25, 2024 12:52 PM MST
Share this powerful prompt during your dinner to foster happy feelings.
3 Min Read
November 21, 2024 02:01 PM MST
Your family will gravitate toward these bright, Christ-centered decorations.
3 Min Read
November 01, 2024 07:00 AM MDT
It might seem early, but now is the time to start gathering your missionary’s Christmas package to ensure their gifts are mailed in time.
1 Min Read
June 11, 2024 02:40 PM MDT
This activity includes all ages, requires minimal prep, and creates lasting family memories.
2 Min Read
December 20, 2023 06:00 AM MST
Feeling overwhelmed by everything you need to do during the holiday season? Here are a few ideas to help ditch the guilt and find the joy.
6 Min Read
November 09, 2022 01:17 PM MST
While Christmas traditions vary widely from country to country, there is one small tradition that you'll see almost anywhere in the world where the birth of the Savior is celebrated: the Nativity.
1 Min Read
By  LDS Living
November 03, 2022 10:00 AM MDT
While most snail mail has gone the way of the floppy disk or phone book, sending a Christmas card is a sure way to continue a long-time tradition.
1 Min Read
September 26, 2022 01:53 PM MDT
We think Latter-day Saint traditions are at their best during general conference weekend. Check out what our readers look forward to most.
4 Min Read
September 14, 2022 07:00 AM MDT
“A new line about the sacrament was added to the Church Handbook in 2020. Here is why I think it’s significant.”
9 Min Read
April 04, 2022 10:00 AM MDT
Amidst the family parties, candy, and egg decorating, I will always remember those moments of calm as we took time to read about the One who made eternal life and happiness possible.
5 Min Read
December 14, 2021 04:00 PM MST
After realizing neither he nor his children really remember the presents of Christmas past, Matt created a simple tradition that changes his family's Christmastime practices forever.
3 Min Read
By  LDS Living
December 11, 2021 09:00 AM MST
Is Santa Claus a part of your Christmas tradition? Check out these charming and insightful stories from Church leaders about old Saint Nick.
5 Min Read
By  LDS Living
November 11, 2021 11:08 AM MST
Not all Christmases look the same year to year and family to family. So, whether you’re looking for a quiet moment alone, lively festivities with family and friends, or anything in between, here are a few traditions that you might like to start with your family.
3 Min Read
July 17, 2021 11:00 AM MDT
In this All In podcast episode, Elder Dube shared a specific time he left his comfort zone: proposing to his wife.
4 Min Read
June 08, 2019 03:00 PM MDT
Utah State University senior Kaulin Curtis was sitting in class early Tuesday morning when he got a text from his girlfriend telling him to check his email. Little did Kaulin know that he was in for perhaps the happiest surprise of his life.
4 Min Read
December 19, 2018 02:41 PM MST
Between the garland and holly, the cinnamon and turkey, there's something about Christmas that makes it more magical and memorable than any other time of the year. With family and friends gathered around, we share recollections of the past and create new stories to recount for years to come.
9 Min Read
December 08, 2018 12:00 PM MST
Like many of us I’m intrigued by symbols—perhaps because I’m active in a church that honors symbolism, or maybe because of a poet heart or that I like to think about things deeply, especially things that make me feel deeply. Most likely it has something to do with all of the above working in collaboration to teach me, or at least remind me of, what is significant.
3 Min Read
December 03, 2018 10:32 PM MST
Straight from our family to yours, here are six of our favorite traditions, recipes, tips, and crafts to make your holiday more memorable.
4 Min Read
By  LDS Living
September 11, 2018 09:00 AM MDT
A child's baptism is one of the most important events in his or her life. These traditions will help emphasize its value and celebrate that decision whether you're a parent, Primary teacher, ward missionary, or anyone else involved.
2 Min Read
May 07, 2018 09:27 AM MDT
One incredible thing about being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that no matter where you go in the world, you can expect to find a ward or branch of fellow believers worshiping in a familiar way. All across the world Saints gather for a three-hour block, partake of the sacrament, teach and bear testimony to each other, and follow the same lesson manuals in a variety of languages. Ordinances are conducted by the same authority and manner in the Philippines as they are in France.
5 Min Read
By  LDS Living
December 22, 2017 09:17 AM MST
With Christmas nearly here, days seem to fill up with wrapping presents and baking treats. But between the trimmings and the tree, take a brief break to relax and remember the true reason for the season with one of these inspirational Christmas videos:
1 Min Read
April 08, 2017 02:00 PM MDT
Many people around the world celebrate Easter not just on Sunday, but all week long. Here are some great ways to bring your family closer to Christ and make Holy Week a tradition for LDS families.
5 Min Read
February 18, 2017 09:00 AM MST
"People expect Latter-day Saints to be a lot of things: white, rich, serious. They picture who they’ve seen in the media like Mitt Romney,” says Zandra Vranes, although then she adds, “But I’m black, broke, and funny, and I’m a Latter-day Saint too.” She and her longtime friend Tamu Smith are known as the Sistas in Zion: two soul sisters whose faith and humor unites them. Their shared mission? To provide “a relief from sobriety where hilarity never faileth.”
8 Min Read
By  LDS Living
November 29, 2016 06:01 PM MST
It's that time of year again when parents start wondering what they should tell their children about Santa Claus and what family traditions they should start or continue.
1 Min Read
May 06, 2016 06:16 PM MDT
Flowers. Chocolate. Breakfast in bed. Few moms tire of the Mother’s Day classics. But why not try a new tradition this year for the moms you love most? Here are 10 Mother’s Day traditions that’ll guarantee you’ll make this the best day of mom’s year.
1 Min Read
February 12, 2016 01:10 PM MST
What fun ideas--and simple too. You should try using one in your family!
1 Min Read
December 22, 2015 03:48 PM MST
Ho, ho, ho or no, no, no? The great Santa question can be a tough one for parents to tackle. But, check out the pros and cons of this topic before you make up your mind.
1 Min Read
December 10, 2015 03:59 PM MST
As in all majority Christian nations of Africa, Christmas in Kenya is a time of celebration, rejoicing, and reconnecting with family. Almost everyone, irrespective of faith or religious belief, puts aside the cares of career and work and travels “upcountry” to be with loved ones. The big cities and towns have a ghost feeling as a temporary migration takes place for about 10 days—from a day before Christmas to the second day of the new year.
1 Min Read
December 03, 2015 03:28 PM MST
When you think about Christmas, what do you picture?
1 Min Read
As I’ve grown up, I’ve noticed that more and more, my Sabbath activities involve a screen. Whether I’m reading scriptures on my iPad, watching Bible videos on my laptop, or FaceTiming with an old friend, many of the Sabbath activities I used to do as a child have become lost in a world of busy screens and technology. But, while skimming through Kimberly Bytheway’s book Traditions: Creating Memories to Draw Your Family Close, I was reminded of the peace that these simple Sunday traditions could bring—even without a screen.
3 Min Read
June 27, 2015 08:57 AM MDT
If you have kids of different ages, here are some tips on how to help them have fun and bond this summer.
3 Min Read
April 02, 2015 06:32 PM MDT
With a request from FamilySearch that asked people to share their own Easter traditions, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints responded and shared their personal experiences.
1 Min Read
By  LDS Living
December 09, 2014 09:11 AM MST
Put a song in every child’s pocket! These old-fashioned music grinders are reminiscent of times past. Their simple arrangements of beloved children’s melodies will add delight and whimsy to your day. Crafted of wood, the mechanical movement is fascinating to watch as small hands turn the crank.
3 Min Read
By  LDS Living
December 05, 2014 09:56 AM MST
"If you need a burden lifted, I want you to imagine I am in a personal, private, closed-door chat with you. I want to help you if I can." With those words, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland invites every readerof his latest book to become a friend, to receive instruction and encouragement, counsel and comfort, in any circumstance.
4 Min Read
December 03, 2014 10:10 PM MST
When I was growing up, every December we would read the Christmas story from Luke 2 and Matthew 2 about Christ's birth in Bethlehem, the shepherds, and the wise men. But as Latter-day Saints, we know there's more to that story—there's a second Christmas account about what was happening in the Americas at the same time, found in the Book of Mormon.
3 Min Read
By  LDS Living
November 24, 2014 09:04 AM MST
Don’t miss out on these unreal Black Friday deals from Deseret Book. With savings up to over 70%, you’ll be sure to find a meaningful gift for everyone on your list.
4 Min Read
November 13, 2014 07:13 PM MST
When converts join the Church, the new vocabulary takes some time to master. But where did all these unusual terms come from? Here’s the origin of 13 commonly used terms unique to the LDS Church.
1 Min Read
April 09, 2014 04:01 PM MDT
I first became acquainted with the Jewish Passover feast on a study-abroad semester at the BYU Jerusalem Center. We had a Jewish rabbi take us through an abbreviated Seder meal which is a central part of the Passover celebration. I was enchanted. I felt some pangs of righteous “holy envy” for the rich symbolism of this ancient feast practiced by faithful Jews for thousands of years.
1 Min Read
March 06, 2013 05:02 AM MST
All religions struggle with finding a balance between core values and acceptable traditions. As you travel around the world, you will see how all religions are entrenched in traditions. Whether it is a Christian church, a mosque, a synagogue, a Buddhist or Hindu temple the challenge is the same. Some traditions are good, but many traditions are not, and the original principle upon which the tradition began has been lost in a foggy maze of ritual.
1 Min Read