Young adulthood is filled with crucial life decisions. During this time, choices in areas like education, career, dating, and spirituality can impact decades to come. No pressure, right?
But we don’t have to make these decisions alone. When we partner with the Lord, we can trust that He will guide even the smallest details of our lives.
At the Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults broadcast on May 5, 2024, Elder Carlos A. Godoy and Sister Mônica Godoy shared life lessons from their experiences as young adults. They showed a fun video illustrating key moments on their journey, including how they met and fell in love.
Here are a few of our favorite insights from the Godoys.
“Remember, you are not alone because the Savior has always been there for you. He knows you, He knows what is going on in your life, He loves you, and He is at your reach whenever you need. Please, don’t give up on trying to belong. He will send angels to help you.” —Sister Godoy

“[Maybe] you haven’t noticed … those hoping to feel loved and accepted. But they are there, looking for friendship, hoping to belong. They are probably at the back of the chapel or at the corners of the classrooms. … They need your smile, your handshake, and your friendship.” —Elder Godoy
“We should not expect to find our eternal companion the same way others do. For some, it will be clear and strong. For others, it could take more time, effort, and patience. … Experience teaches us that some great marriages started in a small way, little by little, date by date.” —Sister Godoy
“The process of finding ‘the one’ is similar to the process of receiving revelation.” —Elder Godoy
“Most frequently, [spiritual confirmation about our eternal companion] will come in small increments as we meet people and spend time together.” —Sister Godoy

“One of the best ways to enhance someone’s testimony is by sharing it. I hope you are actively engaged in service opportunities. It could be ministering, family history, temple service, or any other Church assignment where you forget about yourself and help others. It will bless you, strengthen you, and protect you.” —Elder Godoy
“One blessing this generation has that we didn’t is the temple nearby. … In the temple, we receive lessons to help us overcome the world.” —Sister Godoy

“Our missions, without a doubt, brought blessings to our lives. Because of our missions, our testimony of the Savior was strengthened, our knowledge of the gospel increased, and the communication and leadership skills learned there helped us in our careers. But more than anything else, we felt good to be able to fulfill the missions the Lord expected from us.” —Elder Godoy

“We should not judge those with different mission experiences or no mission experiences at all. After all, although serving a mission can be a crucial learning experience in our lives, and it is a priesthood responsibility for young men, it is not a gospel ordinance. So nobody will be penalized in their progress in this life or lose blessings in eternity because of it.” —Elder Godoy

“[Getting] along on a daily basis is built step by step. We need to adjust to each other, laugh and cry here and there. Children will bring joy and headaches, illness will visit us occasionally, money could be short sometimes, but do you know what? This is how life is supposed to be.” —Sister Godoy
“If we bring the gospel of Jesus Christ into this equation, married life will be much easier and more joyful.” —Elder Godoy

“Looking back now, I recognize that in many moments that I thought I was alone, I was not. I can see now that when some doors were closed, … actually, another door, in another moment, or in another place, was being opened to a better path.” —Elder Godoy
“Sometimes, some of you may think that nobody know what you are going through in your life, and maybe you are right—we don’t. But the Savior does.” —Elder Godoy
Watch the devotional below to learn more about navigating young adulthood with a gospel lens.
▶You may also like: Retro animated video highlights Elder Godoy’s conversion story and the importance of fellowship