With Easter right around the corner, many families all over the world will be coloring eggs as they celebrate the season. But do you know why this has become part of the Easter tradition?
According to one Ensign article, "The egg has become an almost universal symbol of Easter to represent the Savior’s breaking the bands of death through His Resurrection." Originally, eggs were dyed red to represent the blood of Christ, and the hard shell represented the tomb. Cracking the shell represents the resurrection from the dead. "Thus coloring and hiding eggs for an Easter egg hunt and giving Easter baskets are common traditions around the world."
Eggs are no longer only colored red, so this year, as you celebrate Easter, keep your traditions fresh and try decorating your eggs a new way:
Stick it to ’em. If you’ve got some old stickers around, put them on your eggs before dying them. Then, peel the stickers off to reveal the reserved white eggshell underneath! (Put the stickers on after one round of dye for multi-color combos!)
Make them sparkle. Try using glitter and glue to decorate your eggs, after or in lieu of dying them. Just draw designs on the egg in white glue and sprinkle with craft glitter!
Try tissue. Do this dye alternative if you’ve got lots of saved colored tissue paper from other holidays. Cut the paper into pieces and Mod Podge them onto eggs to make them both colorful and unique!

Play with Paint. Grab some paint brushes and paint (acrylic or watercolor), and let your kids go to town. If you don't have traditional paint brushes, use toothbrushes, sponges, or even just your fingers!
Color on. If your kids love to color, grab some markers (permanent works best) and use the eggs like a blank canvas. Each one will become a miniature work of art! Another fun variation of this is to draw faces on your eggs.
Use a "Tattoo.". If your kids have any temporary tattoos leftover from exchanging Valentine's or from birthday parties, use them on your eggs!
Tie one on. At the end of decorating, if your eggs are a little less than perfect, cover up their flaws with a nice ribbon bow or piece of washi tape to give them a beautiful finishing touch.