The Paris France Temple is unique and historic in many aspects. With itsdedication set for May of 2017, it will be the first LDS temple in France. It is also one of only two temples (Paris France and Tokyo Japan) where a traditional groundbreaking ceremony was never held.
But one of the most visible and striking differences of the Paris France Temple is its lack of towers and spires as well as its lack of an angel Moroni statue.
Much like the three other temples currently in operation that do not have spires or towers (Laie Hawaii, Cardston Alberta, and Mesa Arizona), architects of the Paris France Temples designed the building to reflect France's beautiful architecture and history. In this way, these temples act as a striking addition to landscapes while blending in with the beauty already present in each culture and each country.
The Paris France Temple will become one of 10 temples that do not have an angel Moroni statue (St. George Utah, Logan Utah, Manti Utah, Laie Hawaii, Cardston Alberta, Mesa Arizona, Hamilton New Zealand, Oakland California, and Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo—which is still under construction).
With at least eight different designs of angel Moroni statues used on temples throughout the world, temple architects feature—or chooses not to feature—statues that complement the overall design. Because of the unique design of the Paris France Temple, it will not feature an angel Moroni.
Lead image from ldschurchtemples.com.