I love thrift stores. The bookshelves in our play room can attest to that with the hundreds of children's books I have bought over the years. When I heard that a Deseret Industries was opening in Fontana, California I was beyond excited!
When Eric and I were first married and poor college students, every Friday we would go to our local Deseret Industries and buy a game for a dollar or two. Then we would take it home, make some popcorn and play our new game. The games we just didn't enjoy, well we would just donate them back. We now have a closet full of games.
When I went into the new DI, and saw this...

it was heaven!
I love looking for new treasures, new toys for the kids, picture frames to paint and re-make, clothes for the kids (who out grown things so quickly I never want to pay full price) and even furniture.