“Why are you still here?”
It’s a thought that I have more than once during the third hour of Church. Sacrament, which everyone knows is the whole point of going to Church, is over. And on a really bad Sunday, I’ve gone through each lesson distracted, half of the time with my head in my phone and the other half trying to stay awake so I don’t knock my head against the cold metal chair again.
Someone once asked President Kimball ““What do you do when you find yourself in a boring sacrament meeting?” He responded: “I don’t know. I’ve never been in one.” My bet is that he was just in one of those wards that had sacrament meeting last. Sacrament meeting is always more enthralling compared to how boring Sunday School and Priesthood/Relief Society were.
Of course we recognize that how much we get out of a meeting has just as much to do with were our heart is as much as it is to do with a well-prepared lesson. Less we are studying the gospel and applying it ourselves, the more “boring” church will be. Remember that Church is as much a place to learn gospel principles, as it is to apply them.