From the Church

What honoring her late father’s birthday at the temple taught Pres. Johnson


In a new “How I Hear Him” video from the Church, President Camille N. Johnson shared a touching story about how she heard the voice of the Lord in a special, unique, and meaningful way.

“The Spirit uniquely speaks to us and sometimes they’re the words of another person that motivate us, comfort us, provide us with peace or joy in the moment,” she says.

Several years ago, President Johnson went to the temple on December 1, her late father’s birthday. Her father had passed away during the previous year and she went to the temple looking for confirmation that he was still near and still aware of her. In a surprising way, President Johnson received confirmation that he was. Listen to what happened in the player below.

President Johnson is currently serving as the Primary general president and will begin her service as the new Relief Society general president starting August 1 of this year.

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