
What Is Book of Mormon Day and How Can You Celebrate It?


Book of Mormon day is on March 26, the day the Book of Mormon was published in 1830.

This day is set aside to celebrate all that is good, lovely, and praiseworthy about the Book of Mormon since its publication.  (Evidence suggests that the first vision also occurred on March 26, ten years prior in 1820).

And there is so much good around the Book of Mormon!

The Book of Mormon brings forth so much light and truth about Jesus Christ, the Plan of Salvation, the first ordinances and principles of the Gospel, and how we might endure to end so that, as Mormon testified, we might “land [our] souls, yea, [our] immortal souls, at the right hand of God in the kingdom of heaven, to sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and with Jacob, and with all our holy fathers, to go no more out” (Helaman 3:30).

Those who regularly and purposely read and study the Book of Mormon personally and with their families have the promise of prophets of “increased love and harmony in the home, greater respect between parent and child, increased spirituality and righteousness” (President Benson “The Book of Mormon—Keystone of our Religion”).

What are some ways to celebrate Book of Mormon Day?


Participate in Book of Mormon Central’s Book of Mormon Day art contest.  Submit artwork here or appreciate artwork from competitions in years past.


Decorate your house with Book of Mormon themed items:

  • gold decor
  • pull out those little Book of Mormon toy figurines
  • Israeli/biblical costumes/souvenirs
  • colonial items to represent Joseph Smith


Have Book of Mormon themed foods:

  • Waters of Mormon (label the water pitcher)
  • honey (or Honeycomb cereal) for Deseret (Ether 2:3)
  • maple syrup for the Smith family farm
  • curelom and cumom (Ether 9:16-19): unknown meat, label whatever you're eating as "curelom burgers" or "cumom steak"
  • neas and sheum (Mosiah 9:9): unknown grains, possibly quinoa (serve quinoa and lentils)
  • iron rods: pretzel sticks, or bury pretzel sticks in pudding like Anti-Nephi-Lehi weapons
  • white and sweet fruit from Nephi's vision (marshmallows, lychees)


Participate in other Book of Mormon themed activities:

  • write your testimony on aluminum foil "plates" and bury them in the yard
  • write your testimony in copies of the Book of Mormon; give out copies
  • write on a Title of Liberty what matters to you
  • write down faults/sins you're getting rid of and bury that box
  • sword fight/laser/light saber/wand duel/tug of war between Nephites and Lamanites
  • download the Book of Mormon Central KnoWhy app, podcasts

Whatever you choose to do, let Book of Mormon Day reinvigorate your commitment to make the Book of Mormon a vital part of your life.
For more fun Book of Mormon Day ideas, visit Anita Wells’ blog.

Lead image from Getty Images

Dr. Taylor Halverson, Ph.D., is an aspiring master learner who loves people, laughter, telling stories, and learning. Click here to request a free light-hearted eBook Memoirs of the Ward Rumor Control Coordinator. More about Taylor at

Anita Wells is a Book of Mormon fan! She teaches early-morning seminary, volunteers at This is the Place State Park (Utah) as a costumed interpreter, and has presented at RootsTech about her family history (see more at She is the author of the book Nephi, Nephi, The Scriptures are True!She and her husband Matt are the parents to four children.

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