The October 2015 General Conference was a historic occasion for Latter-day Saints because we had the privilege of sustaining three new apostles as special witnesses of Jesus Christ. But what have these chosen servants been up to since their new appointments?
We skimmed over their Facebook feeds and read over Mormon Newsroom and discovered that Elder Ronald A. Rasband, Elder Dale G. Renlund, and Elder Gary E. Stevenson have been working constantly, sharing their witness with Latter-day Saints around the world. Here are just a few things they have been up to:
Visiting with Vice Presidents
Remember when Elder D. Todd Christofferson and Elder Ronald A. Rasband along with former U.S. Senator Gordon H. Smith of the Seventypresented a special gift to U.S. Vice President Joe Bidenduring his brief visit to Temple Square on February 26, 2016?
It was a wonderful experience to join with Elder D Todd Christofferson and meet with Vice President Joe Biden and... Posted by Ronald A. Rasband on Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Giving Us a Peak into What's Inside the Church's Underground Vault
The Church's Granite Mountain Records Vault is one of the most protected and high-security places in the world, up there with places like Fort Knox and Area 51.
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Containing tunnels veining the granite underneath the mountains of Little Cottonwood Canyon, the vault is no longer open to public tours. While the contents of the vault are not a secret (in fact, the Church has plans to digitalize all of the documents in upcoming years, according to Elder Renlund), Elder Renlund recently gave us a sneak peek into what he sawwhile touring the vault.
Part of my service as an Apostle includes being an adviser to the Church History Department with Elder Quentin L Cook,... Posted by Dale G. Renlund on Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Participating in Face to Face and Family History Events
Remember when Elder Renlund talked explosives during the Church's special Family Discovery Day at the RootsTech conference this year? And do you remember when Elder Rasband arm wrestled youth from the Church and answered their questions at a Face to Face event in February?
At Family Discovery Day last Saturday, my family shared the story of how the explosive chemical nitroglycerin was... Posted by Dale G. Renlund on Thursday, February 11, 2016
I want you all to know that I'm reading and studying your questions. Thank you for being willing to ask and share. I've... Posted by Ronald A. Rasband on Saturday, January 16, 2016
If you have not yet watched the Face to Face event from last month, I would strongly encourage you to do so. If you are... Posted by Ronald A. Rasband on Friday, February 12, 2016
Visiting Saints Around the World
From Vietnam to Ghana and India to the Philippines, Elders Rasband, Renlund, and Stevenson have been visiting with and inspiring the Saints around the world, even as they meet with foreign leaders and dignitaries.

Image from Mormon Newsroom.
Elder Gary E. Stevenson and Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Church’s Presidency of the Seventy visited Vietnam and met with senior Vietnam government officials and Church leaders and members.
Just a few days ago, I returned home from a trip to India and Pakistan. What a tender and edifying trip this was. This... Posted by Ronald A. Rasband on Tuesday, November 24, 2015
My wife, Ruth, and I just returned from the Philippines, having been there November 12–22. This was our first time in... Posted by Dale G. Renlund on Wednesday, November 25, 2015
I just returned from a two-week trip to Nigeria and Ghana. What a special trip for us to be with these wonderful Saints... Posted by Ronald A. Rasband on Friday, March 25, 2016
Sharing Their Strong Testimonies
And, of course, each of these men have been fulfilling their call as special witnesses of Jesus Christ by sharing their testimony of gospel truths with the world.
There exists a righteous unity between the temple and the home. Understanding the eternal nature of the temple will draw... Posted by Gary E. Stevenson on Friday, January 8, 2016
Easter Sunday (March 27) was particularly meaningful for me this year as I saw a glimpse of the breadth and scope of the... Posted by Dale G. Renlund on Monday, March 28, 2016
Recently, a young girl in India asked me if God speaks to me often. I simply answered that yes, He does speak to me... Posted by Ronald A. Rasband on Tuesday, December 15, 2015