What great insights into how we can relate principles from Elder Bednar's new book into our lives.
There are some moments in time when you read a book—and maybe just a paragraph in you feel a deep connection to the words and the truth springing from the pages. This often occurs for me with fiction and beautiful woven tapestries that authors create. But this time it was with a non-fiction book—“One by One” by LDS General Authority David A. Bednar.
Being the one and seeking the "one"
This book touched me deeply and made me think quite a bit about others around me and how I have been the “one” they have reached out to and also made me look inside myself to see times I have reached out to the one in my own life. In either instance, the experience of observing the attribute of the Savior of Jesus Christ and striving to be like him – reaching out to the “one” is something that adds a richness to your life story. Even the very example of watching this is something special.
David A. Bednar: “No coincidences”
In his book, Elder Bednar tells us that he believes there are no coincidences when it comes to God and Jesus Christ showing their love for us. One of his stories really spoke to me.
Lead image from Deseret News
In this book, Elder David A. Bednar offers a compelling look at a pattern the Lord uses to bless His people: He works with us on an individual basis, one by one. Demonstrating that pattern as it occurs throughout the scriptures, in the lives of many Church leaders, and in his own ministry, Elder Bednar invites us to open our hearts to the Lord's love. He also teaches that by ministering as the Savior does, one by one, we can be more powerful instruments in His hands to accomplish His purposes.