Latter-day Saint Life

What 2 Sportswriters for the "The Oklahoman" Had to Say About Mormons and Temple Square


Thanks to the Deseret News for making us aware of this story.

Temple Square has attracted a myriad of guests throughout the years—and many usually come away with good things to say, including two sportswriters from Oklahoma, who shared why Temple Square is "well worth touring."

Tramel, a columnist for The Oklahoman and, visited Temple Square during the Jazz playoffs with the Oklahoma City Thunder. 

He, along with Erik Horne, a sportswriter for The Oklahoman, even shared what they to say about the tour on

"Tours are conducted in 30 languages," Tramel explains. "And everyone is so nice, with a warm smile and a friendly word."

Though Tramel referenced Stepford to describe everyone they meant, it was a good-natured jest. "Some of that is just our cynicism," he writes. "Hard to believe or trust people who are overtly nice and pleasant."

And it appears that Tramel might even come back to Temple Square the next time he visits Salt Lake. 

"Next time in Salt Lake, I need to get down to the Tabernacle on Sunday morning and hear the choir [Mormon Tabernacle Choir]." With the Jazz and Thunder set to face off once again this weekend, Tramel might get the chance to listen to our famous choir sooner than he thought.

Read the full article here.

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