
Watch: What Happened When a YouTuber Stopped Missionaries to Ask About Their Faith


Thanks to the Third Hour for making us aware of this video.

Chris LaForest is a self-professed skeptic. So what happens when he stops two Latter-day Saint missionaries to ask personal, deep questions about what they believe and who they are?

Interestingly enough, the conversation led to overwhelming positive discussions on YouTube and the video reached 100,000 times the views LaForest's videos normally receive. And did I mention the video is an hour-long?

During the video, LaForest asks questions from how do you feel God's love to why the missionaries feel people are so antagonistic toward our faith to "why do all Mormons always look so good?"

The missionaries bore witness of the Word of Wisdom, our Savior, the afterlife, and the sacrifices they made to serve the Lord. In short, the missionaries talked about their daily life and taught lessons found in the missionary discussions.

So what is it about this video that is so compelling?

In the age of The Book of Mormon musical and in a social media world that can lean toward negativity, antagonism, and outrage, there is something refreshing and invigorating about someone seeking an open, honest dialogue with members of a religion that is often misunderstood.

Commentors on YouTube noted:

"I’m not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but I appreciate this interview and how respectful it was and informing." "i'm an atheist, not sure why this was recommended to me, but i really respect the fairness and respect this guy has. i thought this video was gonna be him being scrutinizing and condescending but it's refreshing to see people being kind to each other. i learned a lot of new things from this video. the missionairies seem like really nice guys too." "Civil adult conversations on hard subjects like religion and politics are crucial to our growth and improvement. Love this!" "Thank you for being so kind and fair to these wonderful Missionaries." "This is enlightening. I think that genuine discussion is lost in today’s age. We are constantly protesting and drowning out others with our own opinions. I am not a Mormon but I think that some of the things they believe are right. I think that the way the schedule there life and treat there body like a temple is something that every human should strive to do."

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Video Companion
Let's stop a couple Mormon missionaries and ask some questions!

It's encouraging to see these conversations happening in our world today, and hopefully many of us can share similar open discussions with those of different faiths.

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