Sister Erin Roach, a missionary serving in Berlin, Germany, sang this stunning original song about Christ at a fireside. After the touching performance, one inspired listener, Mariella, approached Sister Roach about recording the song professionally so that its message could be shared with a broader audience, according to Mormon Light. Mariella invited Sister Roach to a studio, and they created the following music video:
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LDS Song - Plans for me by Erin Roach
On her Facebook page, Sister Roach posted about the personal struggles that inspired the song. She wrote:
"There was a point early on in my mission when I was really struggling. I felt completely incapable of the work I was trying to accomplish as a missionary, the language I was stuggling to speak and learn, and the people I was trying to help. I asked God why he wanted me to do this because I felt too weak and I didn't know if I had the strength to keep going. My answer came one night on a particularly difficult day when I turned to the Book of Mormon to find some sort of peace. I read a scripture about Christ being the rock of our salvation, and at that moment, inspired words filled my head. I immediately got out a piece of paper, a writing utensil, and began writing these words. 5 minutes later the song was done. The next day, I went to the piano and the melody and arrangement came to me the first time I began singing the words. I just needed to sing it one time through to realize that Christ was there with me as I wrote this song. That He loved me and has a work He wants me to accomplish here in Germany. I just need to turn to Him for direction. I know that He can do that for you as well. I know that Christ is always there in anything we are going through. I am excited to share this song with you. It is very close to my heart because it is a constant reminder that He was there for me in my lowest times."