Jim was a devout Baptist for decades, with no intentions of changing his religion. In fact, having grown up in Clearfield, Utah, Jim was raised with what he calls an "anti-Mormon tilt."
Jim explains, "The Southern Baptists love the LDS people, but they felt and believed that they were not right in their doctrine and, in fact, were lost. They were active in trying to save the LDS people."
After marrying a Latter-day Saint, Jim eventually allowed his children to be baptized members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and sent multiple children on missions. It wasn't until decades later that Jim realized Heavenly Father had been patiently tapping him on the chest his whole life, waiting for Jim to find what he'd been missing.
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What Led Jim—a Devout Baptist Who Opposed the Church—to Become a Latter-day Saint: #ThisIsTheGospel