As Latter-day Saints, we may know what the priesthood is, but do we know how it works?
In a Church video published in November 2018, Elder Dale G. Renlund explains the purpose and function of the priesthood by comparing it to a rocket.
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"The priesthood is essential because of the necessary ordinances and covenants on earth are administered only by its authority," Elder Renlund says in the video. "For Heavenly Father's purposes to be accomplished, Christ's atoning power needs to be available to God's children."
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Watch the video below to see how Christ's atoning power is made available through the priesthood.
For more about how the priesthood works, read Elder and Sister Renlund's book The Melchizedek Priesthood.
The concept of priesthood in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is unique. A portion of God's power is delegated to "individuals who He knows perfectly well are imperfect." How does that work? As authors Dale and Ruth Renlund ask, "How is it conceivable that His awesome, delicate power could be used by both an illiterate farmer and a rocket scientist—to equal effect—in the salvation of humankind?"