As members of the Church, we are pretty much the experts when it comes to journals.
We collect journals, we make cute little journal entry prompt jars, we give them as presents, we hand them down, and we sometimes even write in them.
But even we struggle with new ways to incorporate journaling into our daily lives. Besides, regular journaling can get a little mundane sometimes.
Luckily, Al Fox Carraway has a few ideas that will blow your mind and make you think about journaling in a completely different way.
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Video Companion
7 LDS Journal Ideas
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Try your real try! Writing down your hopes, dreams, and goals will help you move forward with faith. With her characteristic New York flare, Al Carraway brings youher latest journal,inspired by her own motivation to move forward in faith. Filled with Al’s own quotes, this journal will inspire you as you fill its vibrant pages.