Latter-day Saint Life

U.S. Diplomats Meet with RM Jailed in Venezuela


Representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Caracas met with 24-year-old Josh Holt on July 12. Holt, a returned missionary, is one of 12 U.S. citizens currently jailed in Venezuela.

Joshua Holt and his new wife, Thamara, were arrested on weapon charges two weeks ago after returning from their honeymoon in Venezuela and are under suspicion of being American spies.

Shortly after Joshua Holt returned from his mission in Washington state this January, he met Thamara Belen Caleño Candelo through After meeting in the Dominican Republic, the couple fell in love and decided to marry in Venezuela on June 16.

Joshua and Thamara Holt honeymooned on a Venezuelan island before returning to Thamara's apartment and her two daughters, who are 5 and 7 years old.

While the couple was waiting for Thamara's visa to come through, Venezuelan police raided the couple's apartment. Police allegedly found a hand grenade and AK-47 assault rifles and arrested the couple on suspicion of being spies.

“If you know Josh, that’s definitely not him,” Joshua's mother, Laurie Holt, told Idaho State Journal. She also said that it was absolutely ludicrous that the two would have such high-powered weapons since Thamara hates guns.

Joshua Holt reported to his mother that, despite circumstances, he is still happy and doing well.

Lead image from Idaho State Journal.
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