Deseret Bookshelf
If reading is your thing, this is a must-have app. Stock your new device with thousands of LDS titles that can be accessed in seconds.
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Gospel Library
This is a free app every member of the Church should have! It gives you quick and easy access to the complete standard works, archived conference talks, lesson manuals, and so much more.
LDS Tools
This app is bound to make your calling 10 times easier. Once signed in, you are able to access all of the ward and stake information you could need including contact information, calendars, and more.
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Mormon Channel
This app is chalk-full of inspiring content to fill your day. It can be used as a great missionary tool to share meaningful Mormon Messages on the go. There is also uplifting music and talk radio to choose from.
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LDS Youth
This app gives easy access to sharable content for your youth. The content is specifically for young men and young women as well as their leaders, but is sure to inspire and uplift anyone who uses it..
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