Latter-day Saint Life

This new Church video is perfect for anyone fearing the future

Even as the world becomes increasingly tumultuous, we can face life’s storms with peaceful hearts by strengthening our faith in Jesus Christ. The Church recently shared an inspiring video illustrating this principle with quotes from President Henry B. Eyring.

The clip features the following message from his April 2022 talk, “Steady in the Storms”:

“Each of us, wherever we are, knows that we live in increasingly perilous times. My prayer is that I might help you stand steady in the storms we face, with a peaceful heart.

“The place to begin is to remember that we are each a beloved child of God and that He has inspired servants. ... The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, ‘This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.’ ...

“For those of us who are concerned for ourselves and for those we love, there is hope in the promise God has made of a place of safety in the storms ahead. ...

“When the storms in life come, you can be steady because you are standing on the rock of your faith in Jesus Christ. That faith will lead you to daily repentance and consistent covenant keeping. Then you will always remember Him. ...

“[You] will find yourself reaching out to lift others to safety on the rock with you. Faith in Jesus Christ always leads to greater hope and to feelings of charity toward others, which is the true love of Christ.

“I bear you my solemn witness that the Lord Jesus Christ has given you the invitation ‘Come unto me.’ He invites you, out of love for you and for those you love, to come to Him for peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come. He knows perfectly the storms you will face in your test as part of the plan of happiness.”

Many people throughout the world have responded via social media by sharing their own testimonies of Christ. One Facebook commenter wrote: “Jesus Christ helps me stay steady in the storms as I seek after [Him] and do what I can. He makes up the difference!”

Another commented on YouTube: “What a wonderful message of hope and assurance, from a humble servant of God. Thank you, President Eyring!”

Watch the full video in the player above or on YouTube.

For more resources on facing the future with faith, check out the articles below.

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