Latter-day Saint Life

The Church’s new Easter video has some of the prettiest poetry—and testimony—we’ve ever heard

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 10.27.55 AM.png
A colorful scene from the Church’s 2024 Easter video message.
Screenshot from YouTube.

John 3:16. It’s one of the most well-known scriptures in the world. But this Easter what if we kept going to John 3:17? “For God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” 

That’s how the powerful narration for this year’s Easter video from the Church begins.

The video’s description on YouTube reads, “‘Why did Jesus do it all?’ Discover the transformative power of how His sacrifice opens doors to lifelong happiness and a personal relationship with Him. Easter isn’t just about chocolate eggs and bunnies—it’s a time to reflect on the profound impact of Jesus Christ in our lives. We believe in the simple truths that lead to a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ and His role in our lives. Through Him, we can find purpose, peace, and the promise of eternal life. Join us as we celebrate Easter and explore the profound love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.”

Here is the full, beautiful narration in the video:

John 3:16. It’s one of the most well-known scriptures in the world. But this Easter what if we kept going to John 3:17? “For God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” 

Then it would become clear: He didn’t come to enforce a penalty; He came to make forgiveness possible, not to watch you suffer but to help you heal.

Jesus Christ didn’t come to condemn you; He came to complete you. Because that’s what it means to be “so loved.”

This Easter join us as we cherish His life, remember His sacrifice, and celebrate His Resurrection. Not out of the fear that He was condemned because of us, but out of the faith that we can be free because of Him. 

The inspiring visuals also include imagery of a condemned building, hopeful faces, friends and family gathering for Easter worship services, an artist painting the words of both John 3:16 and John 3:17 side by side on a brick wall, and scenes from the crucifixion and resurrection as depicted in the Church’s Bible videos.

Comments on the YouTube video from members and friends of the faith alike include statements of heartfelt gratitude and testimony:

  • “We can be free because of Him! This is such a powerful gift of His love for us.”
  • “I LOVE that we celebrate the power of Jesus Christ’s victory as he rose from the tomb. He is our TRUE example of having the obedience to do Father’s will.” 
  • “I feel God’s love for me every day regardless of what is going on around me.”

You can watch the full video in the player below.

► You may also like: First Presidency announces sacrament meeting-only services on Easter Sunday

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