Stories of Faith

We love this powerful quote a mother gave her daughter before she started high school

Stephanie Nielson (right) and her oldest daughter, Claire (left).
Stephanie Nielson (right) and her oldest daughter, Claire (left).

Our world places a high value on physical appearance, which can distort our sense of divine identity and limit our ability to connect with others. But the gospel of Jesus Christ helps us refocus on our inherent worth and turn outward, as author Stephanie Nielson and her oldest daughter, Claire, discussed recently on an episode of the All In podcast.

In 2008, Stephanie was involved in a devastating airplane crash that severely burned 80 percent of her body. She has written and spoken publicly about how difficult it was to see her altered appearance in the mirror. What ultimately helped her move forward was remembering her life’s divine purpose as a daughter of God, a mother, and a wife.

“[Now] when I look in the mirror I see a woman of faith, a woman of courage. … In my scars I see strength, I see hope, and I see miracles. I see God. And I am learning to be proud of my scars,” she shared in a devotional for Brigham Young University–Idaho.

When Claire started high school, Stephanie gave her a mirror and a quote by Sister Virginia H. Pearce to keep in her backpack:

“Be someone who reaches out to know and serve others—throw away the mirrors and look through the window.”

“I think about that probably every day,” Claire says. “How I can look away from the mirror and look out the window and see what needs are there. What can I do for somebody else?”

After Claire served a full-time mission for the Church, she chose to “look through the window” by working as a burn tech at the Arizona Burn Center. Her experiences supporting her mother’s healing journey allowed her to uniquely relate to others in the center.

“I got to connect with the patients and their families in a special way that not very many people can,” Claire says. “It’s taught me empathy and courage and love, seeing people for who they really are. …

“And that is the greatest way for me to heal because when we’re acting as Jesus Christ would, we’re doing what He would do for other people. He helps us as we serve Him.” 

Screenshot the designs below to use as an inspiring reminder for your lockscreen or mirror.

“Be someone who reaches out to know and serve others—throw away the mirrors and look through the window.” —Sister Virginia H. Pearce
Illustration by Holly Robinson
“Be someone who reaches out to know and serve others—throw away the mirrors and look through the window.” —Sister Virginia H. Pearce

Listen to the full episode in the player below or on your favorite streaming platform. 

▶You may also like: Stephanie Nielson shares touching detail about her recovery—and it’s made me a more joyful mother

Heaven is Here

Based on her immensely popular blog, Stephanie Nielson's inspiring memoir explores how, in the wake of a near fatal plane crash, she comes to embrace, more than ever before, the power of love, motherhood, community, faith, and the simple joys of everyday life. With her trademark wit and good cheer, Stephanie shares the wisdom and insights she's gleaned in the wake of her near-death experience and offer readers inspiration for how they too can find the best in themselves and embrace the joy and beauty of the journey, no matter what life throws at them.

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