The Story Behind the Worldwide Fast Facebook Group


By now, you have likely heard about the “Worldwide Fast April 10” Facebook group that has inspired hundreds of thousands to accept President Russell M. Nelson’s invitation to fast on Good Friday. But did you know the group was started by a Latter-day Saint missionary?

Elder Jaden Taylor, a 20-year-old serving in California, and his companion were looking for ways to share the gospel despite being quarantined in their apartment when Taylor had the idea to start the Facebook group. Taylor did not anticipate the group’s growth but he told Deseret Newshe thinks it is “absolutely fantastic.”

► You May Also Like: The Worldwide Fast Facebook Group That Restored My Faith in Humanity

“There’s so many uplifting comments and posts, it made people feel loved, and perhaps that [is] what’s helped, uniting us together as we are going through the struggle of COVID-19,” he said.

Read more about the response to President Nelson’s invitation at Deseret News.

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