We've probably all been there: the does-this-picture-make-me-look-absolutely-flawless anxiety or the do-I-sound-really-smart-or-kind-of-dumb hesitation before we post anything on social media.
It's a common problem—though it sometimes doesn't feel like it. Especially when you can't help but notice the number of likes each post gets.
All this stress is enough to make some people want to give up on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all other forms of social media altogether, like David Archuleta.
And in a recent Facebook post, David explained why he took a recent break from social media, and it's enough to make some people rethink what they post to their social media and why.
This is Bentley. How does she look with my glasses? 0000017b-1734-da2f-a1fb-97373dad0000 😉 Some of you may have noticed that I took a few weeks off from social media. 0000017b-1734-da2f-a1fb-97373e8d0000 😬 It was extremely helpful and allowed me to get a better understanding of myself and where I am at in life.
It's so easy to get caught up in thinking about whether every moment in my life would be pleasing to everyone. Sometimes I get caught up to see if I am having enough interesting moments and witty remarks that will catch enough attention from people. I start rating my self-worth and how good my life is based on if someone chooses to look at my picture and like it or not and after 1 1/2 seconds moves onto thinking about something else. Maybe seeing if they approve or not though their comments if I am suddenly great or not for where I am or what I am doing in the photo. It interferes with me being in the moment and enjoying where I'm at both physically and with my mindset.
I may try to take more time without the temptation of social media and seeing how many likes I can get from a thought, picture, or video, and I would encourage you all to do the same and see what things you can learn about yourself that you may have forgotten while trying to get others' approval.
Know that a new song will be coming out in just a short time, and I'm so excited to share it with you! I will keep you all posted. 0000017b-1734-da2f-a1fb-97373f740000 👍🏼 #dog #time#socialmediabreak
Lead image from today.com
Check out David Archuleta's album, The Other Side of Down and his new music video "Numb."