The Provo Utah Temple will close on February 24, 2024, for reconstruction and will be renamed the Provo Utah Rock Canyon Temple. This house of the Lord has served BYU students, missionaries at the Provo Utah Missionary Training Center, and local Latter-day Saints for more than 50 years.
During the closure, members from the temple district are encouraged to attend other temples as their circumstances permit. Those desiring to receive their own ordinances should contact a temple in the surrounding area to make the necessary arrangements.
This house of the Lord was dedicated in February 1972. The temple will remain at the mouth of Rock Canyon on Provo’s east bench, overlooking Brigham Young University, the Provo MTC, and Utah Lake.
The Provo Utah Rock Canyon Temple will be built to current seismic codes and have reconfigured rooms and energy-efficient electrical, heating, and plumbing systems.
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