
The One Thing Elder Ballard Carries in His Pocket Everywhere He Goes


After returning from a trip to Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, and Estonia, Elder M. Russell Ballard shared the same message on Facebook that he shared with members abroad, saying:

Everywhere I go, I carry a small picture of the Savior in my pocket. With His help, I can do anything He wants me to do. And so can you.
I shared this message with members on my recent trip to Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, and Estonia. I felt impressed that Jesus taught and focused on basic principles—such as baptism, the Holy Ghost, repentance, and enduring to the end. This is the foundation of all that we do as a Church, and it is the message we preach to the world.
The Savior let His Apostle Thomas feel His wounds. If you can imagine Him visiting you, I believe that He would do the same for you. But how blessed are those who do not see with their eyes, but believe! May our testimonies always burn in our bosoms. He calls to each of us, “Come, follow me, and I will bring you back to the Father.”

What a sweet testimony of the Savior from a man who is a special witness of Him on the earth today.

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