We've all gotten sucked into that endless chain of memes and satires, looking for that one gem to brighten our day. Instead of coming away with a good laugh, all we end up with is a dozen cat pictures and a wasted hour.
Well, have no fear because we've done the searching for you. Here are 25 hillarious Mormon memes and videos that are sure to add a smile and a chuckle to any day.

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Video Companion
Message From Above - Studio C

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Video Companion
Tom Cruise on Home Teaching

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Video Companion
How General Authorities Eat Their Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

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Video Companion
Elders will be Sisters

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Video Companion
Shawn Rapier - Latter-day Night Live

Looking for even more hilarious LDS humor? Follow us on Facebook or check out Studio C at their finest, including highlights from their latest season.
You can purchase the first two seasons of Studio C at Deseret Book.