In an attempt to comfort a young wife who lost three children to miscarriages, doctors and friends would try to give advice that only ended up hurting more than helping. But eventually, Breaunna Stone realized something about the gospel that helped her see with a new perspective.
My husband Jeremy and I were married in April 2015. Our life together is so sweet and full of incredible happiness and love for each other.
In September 2015, we found out that I was pregnant. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. I have always wanted to be a mom and feel that motherhood is why God put me on this Earth. At my 10-week appointment, our little one was found lifeless inside. Needless to say, we were devastated.
As the miscarriage progressed, we learned of a second baby that had also passed away — twins. Our hearts were broken as I went through labor and the painful process of losing two babies.
In May 2016, another 10-week appointment rolled around. This time a strong 180 beats per minute flashed on the monitor. Jeremy and I could not contain our excitement and enthusiasm for a healthy baby. Less than a week later, contractions began and we again went through the painful process of losing yet another child.
Lead image from Deseret News.