Elder Neil L. Andersen recently shared a notable statistic about temple growth.
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I understand more deeply now that these are not “names” we “take” to the temple but people we come to the temple to be with.
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We were the first Black family to be sealed in the Oakland California Temple. In the years since, the temple has been a healing place for me.
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When I walk into the temple locker room, I feel like part of a great army of women.
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These four symbols helped me reframe my view of the endowment ceremony.
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The washing and anointing of the initiatory ordinance are symbolic of healing.
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Lately, I’ve come to see wearing garments as a very deliberate choice I make—a choice that is becoming ever more meaningful to me.
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How can you help your loved ones learn to love the temple? Here are a few of our favorite resources.
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Reflecting on specific questions during a temple endowment session can help you prepare to receive personalized direction from the Spirit.
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How we talk about the ordinances of the temple frames how we understand them. Here is one way we can speak more lovingly about the endowment.
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I’ve often wondered what kind of power comes from temple garments. Looking back, my mom’s habit of writing notes was teaching me all along.
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Where do the dedicatory prayers come from? Is it the same prayer each time? What do temple dedicatory prayers say? Answers to common questions.
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Check out these helpful study tips and book recommendations to deepen personal learning about temple worship, our covenants, and the temple garment.
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Applying three ideas to our temple worship can expand our personal understanding of sacred things, bring us closer to Christ, and turn the temple into what author Melinda Brown calls, “our happiness project.”
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Nurture your kids’ growing testimony with these ideas for a memorable temple open house experience.
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“I was recently studying how to feel more peace in the temple, and I came across an idea that sparked an encouraging realization.”
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When Ashley Hatch invited her professional soccer team to a temple open house, she didn't realize until later how much the experience touched one of her teammates.
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These 10 moments from the Book of Mormon reveal beautiful insights about temple covenants.
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The temple recommend questions and statement on wearing the temple garment have been updated to help leaders and members better understand the importance of wearing the temple garment.
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It would be hard to overstate the lasting impact the decision to attend the temple once a week has had on our marriage and on my life.
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2 Nephi 18 talks about the Lord—and the temple—being a sanctuary. So how can we find that same peace in our busy lives today?
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“I think the more open you are about these things, the less weird it becomes.”
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Ariana and Briana Mendez share a lot of things as twins, but they never anticipated finding and sharing a belief in the restored gospel.
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When I received my temple endowment, I wasn’t as prepared as I should have been. As is the case for some young adults, I had recently switched wards, and, as a result, hadn’t taken a temple preparation class. I also had heard some misinformation about the temple that made me nervous. In short, I didn’t have the greatest experience when I first participated in the intiatory and endowment ordinances in the temple. Fortunately, my parents encouraged me to go back, and after a few more visits to the temple, I loved it, and felt its spiritual power.
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