“I’m too old to be playing games with you or telling jokes,” President Holland said of his testimony. “This is the truth.”
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In the first year the Sugar Creek Youth Orchestra was created, a total of 18 youth participated.
4 Min Read
Shannon Foster of The Red Headed Hostess shares her five principles for having natural and normal gospel conversations.
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In a recent broadcast, Elder Uchtdorf said these two things can help us look to Christ.
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You can help guide youth to become the women and men God wants them to be.
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Three powerful words make up the theme youth will learn about next year.
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We can prepare our youth for a life of faith by framing a testimony not as an object to be obtained but as a phoenix—reborn again and again.
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The world is full of beautiful opportunities to share light and love—and we can help youth remember that.
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I spoke with other seminary teachers, and we identified six pressing questions we each get asked regularly. Here is our advice on answering them.
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Several Latter-day Saint leaders were asked about their hopes and dreams for the next generation of missionaries.
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Families, Stakes, and Young Men groups will all have more opportunities for scheduling use of Church-owned camps.
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Here are seven books to inspire and guide your youth on the covenant path and continually remind them of their divine potential.
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If you’re anxious to get your child off their screen and interested in something more positive and inspiring, an uplifting book is a great alternative!
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Looking for a mysterious tale that will keep you on your toes? Check out these 12 suspenseful novels you won't be able to put down. Best of all, they're all available to read or listen to on Bookshelf PLUS+!
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Whether your teen is headed to the school scene, the MTC, or the world of the working, use this list of 10 important skills to make sure they're adequately prepared to fly solo.
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When I was a junior in high school, I came under the influence of a brilliant English teacher. She was tough on her students, always insisting that they clearly and thoroughly defend any position they took.
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The First Presidency has reiterated its policies, guidelines, and practices “to ensure the safety of all participants and protect the Church and its volunteers.”
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As the season is warming up, so are the performances and free events on Temple Square. Here’s what’s coming soon.
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Most of the time, stories from the scriptures bring me peace and strength. But every now and then, I grapple with them and what they mean in my life.
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Eager to see the class unfold, I positioned my achy self at the top of the steps, out of flu-sharing range but where I could secretly watch what was going on.
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FSY conferences have been on hold since 2020 due to the pandemic but are back on for next year. Here’s why the conference is so important for youth.
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Resources for the 2021 youth theme, including the music album “A Great Work,” are now available on youth.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
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As the year 2020 comes to a close, Newsroom of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released a series of articles highlighting what members can expect from the new Liahona, For the Strength of Youth, and Friend magazines launching in 2021.
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Based on current information from medical and government officials, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints plans to hold For the Strength of Youth (FSY) conferences in the United States and Canada beginning in the summer of 2021. Wards are encouraged to reserve the dates they are assigned to attend.
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In 2021, youth around the world will be engaged in “a great work.”
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On Wednesday, July 29, 2020, youth from around the world are invited to participate in the first-ever Youth Music Festival, a virtual global concert.
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Editor's note: "This week from the pulpit" highlights recent messages by General Authorities and General Officers of the Church.
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Church magazines are full of accounts of the Lord guiding hearts and hands around the world. This month, however, there is an extra special story behind the magazine itself. Hidden in the brushstrokes of all four magazines’ cover art (The Ensign, Liahona, New Era, and Friend) is a stunning story of the Lord’s tender involvement in the world.
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These spiral-bound journals bearing the 2020 theme for youth, "Go and Do," are great for taking notes and writing down spiritual impressions.
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Editor's note: This week's Come, Follow Me study includes 2 Nephi 9 which teaches about the Atonement. We wanted to reshare this article from our 2015 archives that gives more insights on this important topic.
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If you are like us, you likely had a lot of questions regarding the many changes that were announced during the Saturday afternoon session of general conference. In an effort to better understand the changes, we have tried to break the announced adjustments down into questions and answers. We hope this will be helpful to you as we seek to implement the adjustments and sustain our Church leaders.
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Since the Church announced its plans to create a global youth conference program For the Strength of Youth on July 19, 2019, many have had questions about its implementation, including locations for the youth conferences, costs, registration, and other questions.
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The following story originally ran on LDS Living in September 2012.
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The following is a transcript of an interview with the Young Women and Young Men general presidencies discussing the 2020 youth theme “go and do,” which is centered on the scripture 1 Nephi 3:7. (Sister Michelle D. Craigdid not participate in the interview as she was traveling). The following transcript has been edited for length and clarity.
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Thomas S. Monson loved spending summers at his family's cabin in Utah's Vivian Park. One summer day, he and his best friend, Danny, decided to clear a field so they could gather with their friends and have a campfire that night. The tall, stubborn weeds would not pull out easily. So Tommy had the idea to burn them up instead.
15 Min Read
In 2020, Latter-day Saint youth around the world will be studying 1 Nephi 3:7:
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I adore the 2019 Mutual theme, and I’ve enjoyed studying, pondering, cross-referencing, and speaking about it to youth groups. It’s inspired, potent, and I believe it sits on the slab of the gospel foundation.
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Have you ever had this happen before? It’s dinner time and you’re about to dig into your favorite meal. You scoop your plate full of food only to discover, to your disappointment, that you get full before you can finish it all. I have. And it’s a sad feeling.
9 Min Read
Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced Friday that stakes in the United States and Canada will sponsor biennial conferences modeled after Brigham Young University's Especially for Youth program.
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I have a little confession: I don’t always follow the posted speed limit when I drive. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not a compulsive speeder, nor do I treat driving like I’m auditioning for the next Fast and Furious movie. It’s just that when I’m driving, I don’t always pay as close attention to the speed limit as I probably should. In fact, most of the time, I just match the pace set by everyone else on the road around me. I quite literally follow the crowd. And when I catch myself in the act—usually when I spot a police car up ahead and reflexively hit the brakes—it’s then I notice how fast I was really going, and that I could have gotten into trouble.
13 Min Read
Stake youth dances are a great way to have fun and meet new people. How many of these personalities have you run across at a stake dance?
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My first trip to the temple was what you might call “memorable.”
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Jesus loves you.
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is moving forward on its new global initiative for children and youth that will become available to millions of Latter-day Saint children and youth beginning in 2020. The initiative will provide children, youth, families and leaders personalized opportunities to grow spiritually, socially, physically and intellectually through meaningful activities, service, gospel learning and inspired goal-setting.
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Out of all of the things President Russell M. Nelson is known for, his love for the youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints could be considered high on the list. In fact, the prophet hasn’t been shy about challenging the youth of the Church at every opportunity. He has even made enlisting the youth high priority.
6 Min Read
The unraveling that is depression can come on swift and strong, and it hit one teenager, Isabela, in middle school. Here’s how she and her family navigated that difficult time.
8 Min Read
With building anticipation for the dedication of the Rome Italy Temple scheduled to get underway beginning tomorrow morning with the public cornerstone ceremony, hundreds of youth packed a stake center on the campus of the soon-to-be-christened temple. When dedicated it will be the 162nd operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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Searching for a modest prom dress can be discouraging, but there are actually numerous options—if you know where to look. Check out some of our favorite beautifully modest prom dresses for 2019.
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The following has been republished with permission from gregtrimble.com.
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