Plus, see newly released photos of the interior of the temple.
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Watch a new video about exciting construction updates on Salt Lake Temple.
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The renovated Salt Lake Temple will add another baptistry and increase the number of sealing rooms from 13 to 22.
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Watch the remarkable transformation that turned the Temple Square plazas into a sanctuary of serenity.
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The placement of the statue after a four-year absence is a notable milestone toward the completion of the Salt Lake Temple renovation project.
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An estimated 800 construction team members gathered for the building tradition of a “topping out” ceremony.
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Finish work on the Salt Lake Temple north addition is expected to begin in 2024.
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The directors of the staggering seismic upgrade and renovation of the iconic Salt Lake Temple fully expected the unexpected when they started to excavate the pioneer landmark’s foundation.
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The 12-hour pour includes more than 150 ready-mix concrete trucks providing the new footings for the historic temple’s west tower.
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Why does the sixth of April hold such importance in the Church?
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“When working with historic structures such as this pioneer-era temple, unexpected challenges are inevitable.”
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Since the temple closed in December 2019, the whole of Temple Square looks vastly different.
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The month of August saw alone saw two groundbreakings, a rededication, a new open house, and the announcement of a temple expansion project.
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She’s played for Barry Manilow, Hugh Jackman, and is a mother of seven—meet Meredith Campbell, concertmaster for the Orchestra at Temple Square.
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Perhaps no group on earth sees the imperfections of the human race more than a cleaning crew. But here’s what I’ve learned about the Lord’s work as a member of the Church’s special projects custodial crew.
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President Nelson has been very engaged in the renovation of the Salt Lake Temple. So much so, he took a trip up to inspect the roof.
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Here are some insights from Church History Library Director Keith Erekson on a few common Church history myths and how to avoid deception.
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Yesterday the First Presidency released a statement on the new estimated completion date for the Temple renovation project.
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As part of the Church’s four-year Salt Lake Temple renovation project, the North Visitors’ Center has now been demolished.
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In his general conference message, President Nelson drew parallels between seismic improvements and our need for strong spiritual foundations.
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As temples around the world continue to reopen in a cautious, careful way, we are anxiously awaiting the day when we can return to the Lord's holy house. In preparation, we've rounded up our favorite items to accompany you on your next temple trip as well as a few resources to better understand sacred temple covenants.
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The Salt Lake Temple renovation has been underway for just over a year, but the temple isn’t the only thing getting an upgrade.
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Editor's note: This is the first in a series of articles, “Scenes from Saints,” a series highlighting interesting facts from Saints volume 2. Articles will be posted weekly during November and December 2020. You can purchase both volumes of Saints through Deseret Bookor read and listen to the volumes on the Gospel Library app under the “Restoration and Church History” section.
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Latter-day Saint eyes have been on Temple Square during the Salt Lake Temple renovation, but an article from Church History takes readers back to the 1800s with historical architectural drawings and photographs.
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Editor's note: Our bi-weekly Friday column, “Found in the footnotes,” explores some of the footnotes from remarks given by General Authorities and General Officers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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In a recent nine-minute video devotional, Sister Michelle D. Craig, First Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency, shared five lessons learned from the Salt Lake Temple renovation. The video begins with Sister Craig standing in front of the renovation site, but soon you realize you are watching rare footage of the temple renovation. Still, perhaps the most powerful parts of the video are the lessons shared by Sister Craig as she has watched the renovation process on Temple Square nearly every day since it began in January.
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People passing through Main Street Plaza on Temple Square can now look through the construction project fence windows and see some 170 years into the past.
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Temporary front doors, exposed foundations, and removed stonework may change the appearance of the Salt Lake Temple, but the lessons we can learn from it are as powerful as ever.
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Editor's note: "This week from the pulpit" highlights recent messages by General Authorities and General Officers of the Church.
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The laying of the Salt Lake Temple capstone was a seminal event in the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. One newspaper account describes “the crush, the enthusiasm, and the widespread interest” occurring on Temple Square on April 6, 1892.
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Just over six months ago, the doors of the Salt Lake Temple closed to patrons as the first steps of the temple's renovation began. Now, scaffolding surrounds the temple spires, and the project is just starting.
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Latter-day Saint Mark Henshaw never anticipated writing a religious book. For 15 years, the security analyst, military historian, and author had been writing well-reviewed espionage thriller novels that follow CIA agents in their chase to secure American safety. He had never imagined that writing stories of spies and secret missions was actually training for a special, spiritual project down the road.
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Residents of the greater Salt Lake area were jolted awake this morning by a 5.7 magnitude earthquake. Deseret News reported that there were multiple aftershocks following the earthquake felt across the valley.
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Construction crews now dot Temple Square as the Salt Lake Temple begins the process of renovation, starting with decommissioning.
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Renovation season at Temple Square has officially begun as the Salt Lake Temple closed Saturday, December 29.
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As announced earlier this year, beginning on December 29, 2019, the Salt Lake Temple will be closed for renovations for the next four years. Portions of Temple Square will also be undergoing significant changes. As the heart of Salt Lake City, Temple Square has been transformed many times since it's mid-1800's creation, with the adding and removing of numerous buildings, structures, and features. Below are photographs documenting Temple Square's history, showing both the area's past, present, and future.
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Visitors strolling Temple Square this Christmas may be feeling nostalgic as they take in the lights, the floating candles on the reflection pool, and the nativites, wondering if the historic city block will ever feel the same after the new year.
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For ongoing updates on Temple Square construction, visit
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Earlier this year, President Russell M. Nelson announced that the Salt Lake Temple will close on December 29 and will remain closed for four years.
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Utah State University senior Kaulin Curtis was sitting in class early Tuesday morning when he got a text from his girlfriend telling him to check his email. Little did Kaulin know that he was in for perhaps the happiest surprise of his life.
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Jolynn Forman is a Latter-day Saint artist who researches the themes of different temples and incorporates those themes into her paintings. All artwork in this article is by Sister Forman.
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The Salt Lake Temple is an iconic building for members of the Church. Here are some fun facts you might not know about it.
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In the Anbar province, Iraq, near the end of March 2019, four Utah National Guard soldiers saw a surreal yet familiar sight: the Salt Lake Temple drove into view on the Al-Taqaddum Air Base. The men were 45 miles from Baghdad and 20 miles from Fallujah, Iraq's city of 200 mosques. In the heart of Iraq near one of Islam's ultra-conservative strongholds, the green trees and glinting angel Moroni of Temple Square was one of the last things any of these men expected to see.
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Gingerbread houses are a favorite Christmas tradition, but some talented confectioners have taken them to a whole new level!
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From its first design to its dedication 40 years later, the Salt Lake Temple has experienced its fair share of adjustment. Though we don't know all the reasons why these changes were made, it's fun to look back on some of the features planned for this beloved and iconic temple in its early stages.
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In addition to the lyric “Tale as old as time, Beauty and the Beast” written in script, a phone case depicting iconic Disney characters in front of the Church's most iconic temple contains lines from D&C 123:17.
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The Salt Lake Assembly Hall has been around for almost 140 years, and its architecture, acoustics, and historical significance have inspired the interest of both members and nonmembers alike.
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Everything feels cleaner and fresher after rain. The same is true for temple grounds. The water on the pavement reflects the image of the temple and the sky reveals the quietness after the storm. Each temple radiates a sense of peace which is magnified after storms. Photographer Robert A. Boyd created the Covenant Path Temple Series to capture these moments that can help us appreciate the beauty of the temples in a different way.
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Thanks to LDS Daily for making us aware of this story.
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A "charging mountain lion" was shot and killed early Tuesday morning after being spotted roughly a mile from the Salt Lake Temple.
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Author's note: The pictures shown in this post are not intended to be disrespectful or make light of sacred things. They were commissioned by Church leadership in the early 1900s and are illustrative of the physical changes the temple has gone through since that time.
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