From conflict resolution skills to a consistent sleep schedule, missions can bless your life in many ways.
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Before LaVell Edwards took over the BYU football program, the idea of players taking two years off to serve a mission was somewhat of a debated concept.
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Not sure how to help your returned missionary adjust to life post-mission? These ideas will help both of you.
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“It’s not unusual for missionaries to have a time on their mission when they second-guess why they came out and if they should stay.”
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“I had vivid daydreams of seeing my converts sealed as a family, serve as a bishop or Relief Society president, and overall just live a gospel happily ever after. But that wasn’t always the case.”
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An unremarkable photo of a small apartment wall on the other side of the country was the spiritual reminder I needed.
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When Brigham Young University student Gabrielle Shiozawa submitted her papers to serve a mission in June 2020, she didn’t know whether or not she should serve but wanted to show God that she was willing. However, due to health concerns, she wasn’t able to go.
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Walking away from my mission president in the Richmond, Virginia, airport was a tearful experience. I had come to see President and Sister Smith as almost a second set of parents, and I would miss their love and advice. But I found comfort in knowing that I would see them again in a year when they completed their mission.
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Women in the General Presidencies are missionaries in many ways, from speaking in general conference to humanitarian work to serving with their husbands as mission leaders. But did you know that four of them served full-time missions as young adults? When you read about the experiences they had, it is easy to feel the love these sisters have for the Lord and the people they served. It is also inspiring to read about how their missions helped them develop a confidence in themselves as disciples of Christ—a confidence that is now blessing millions.
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January 23, 2019—the day Kyle Dory of Laramie, Wyoming, eagerly looked forward to entering the missionary training center.
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A returned missionary going back to visit the country where they served? Normal. Moving there, earning a spot on a professional soccer team, touring nearly the entire country as a back-up dancer, and then starting a movement that involves running down the entire coast of the country picking up tons (literally tons) of trash along the way? Not so normal. But that is exactly what Clayton Thomas Kearl is doing.
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“I was able to witness people changing their lives,” Clayton Young said, “but the changes that happen personally on a mission are priceless.”
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Sitting on the front row in a room full of missionaries gathered to listen to an address by Brother Brian K. Ashton, who was then serving as second counselor in the Sunday School general presidency and vice president of field operations for BYU Pathway Worldwide, a young Filippino sister suddenly pumped her fist and loudly exclaimed, "Yes!"
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Ask Utah State basketball coach Craig Smith one question about his returned missionary junior guard Sam Merrill and he can go on for hours.
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Have you ever wished you knew what advice to give to a newly returned missionary? Some bit of wisdom that would make their transition from mission to home life just a little easier?
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The players mentioned present a small sampling of more than 140 returned Latter-day Saint missionaries on Football Bowl Subdivision rosters for the 2018 season.
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A group of 21 young men and women—who had completed their missions in the Florida Tallahassee region for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—were back in their homes over 2,000 miles away. After learning of the devastation from Hurricane Michael, their call to serve again was no question. They piled into four vehicles in Provo, Utah, and traveled over 30 hours to their former service area. Their goal was to help the devastated victims in Panama City, Florida, arriving in time to help in the October 20-21 weekend relief effort.
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It was 10:30 on a Sunday night. Missionary Jensen Parrish was in her 13th month of serving an American Sign Language mission in the Vancouver, Washington, area when there was a knock on the door. “There stood the last two people we would have expected: our mission president and his dear wife, each wearing a grim expression,” she recalls. When the pair gave her a hug, she knew something was very, very wrong.
12 Min Read
The family of Elizabeth Elena Laguna Salgado gathered in Hobble Creek Canyon to visit the site where the returned missionary's remains were found earlier this year and to mourn her death, which police are investigating as a homicide. "I feel they're [the police are] going to be able to find the monster of monsters that did this," Salgado's uncle Rosemberg Salgado said. "We want to avoid that it will happen to another girl."
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My husband and I weren’t always “my husband and I.” We both have very different pasts that only God could bring together. I grew up in the Church while Victor, my husband, grew up in the streets. I enjoyed playing sports, being involved in clubs at school, and spending time with friends and family. Victor enjoyed using drugs, being involved with women, and utilizing friends and family. By the time I graduated I’d gone to state track meets, been the Laurel class president, and had a boyfriend that was serving a mission. When Victor graduated, he’d gone to jail, was now a father, and had a mission to be on top. I grew up in Burley, Idaho. Victor grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada. So how did our paths collide?
8 Min Read
After a terrifying, two-year imprisonment, Joshua Holt returned home Monday and shared how prayer and faith helped him through his ordeal. Holt's grandmother, Linda Holt, said, “For 678 days, I posted a prayer on Facebook for Josh and Thamy. Our stake has fasted for them. People (have) prayed for them."
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"It was horrible for us to receive this news," Salgado's mother, Libertad Edith Salgado-Figueroa, wrote on her Facebook page after hearing of her daughter's death. "We are suffering too much and have not yet found any comfort because the culprit has not been found. . . . I need justice for my daughter Elizabeth Elena Laguna Salgado."
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Our prayers are with the Salgado family.
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Cody Hobbs, an LDS BMX racer from New Zealand, recently won the men's BMX National Championship race in Christchurch City, New Zealand. His dream to compete in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is still alive and strong, even after sacrificing his sport to serve a mission.
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Returned missionary Josh Holt has been barred from the hospital despite increasing medical concerns. Recently, a recording of Holt was released where you can hear him saying, "I don't know what to do. I've never felt like this before."
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Thanks to the Deseret News for making us aware of this video.
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Garrett Bolles, James Cowser, Harvey Langi—these names may sound familiar. That's because they are currently playing on NFL teams—and happen to be returned missionaries. But they're not alone. In fact, there could more returned missionaries playing in NFL than ever before.
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Did you know there are nearly 150 returned missionaries playing college football across the United States?
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Check out these 10 incredible athletes who also served missions for the Church.
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Misty Schumann served in the Alpine German-Speaking Mission for four months before her mission president suggested that she return home to seek further medical testing for what they now know is a hole in her heart.
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What an inspiring story of having humility and being willing to change life plans as this convert returned home from his mission three times but continued to follow the Spirit and eventually finish his mission.
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"When I was a missionary, I received a phone call I was hoping would never come," Kensie shares in a powerful new video.
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"I pray that one day every child of God will be taught the gospel in their native tongue. Hopefully, this video can help to fulfill that," returned missionary Allie Gardner shared on Facebook about the first-ever music video of "I'm a Child of God" sung in the Mayan language.
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After a highly successful 15-year career, LDS pitcher Jeremy Guthrie announced his retirement today. But his groundbreaking, historical firsts as an LDS pitcher in the MLB and how he demonstrated his faith will continue to inspire others.
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Recently, Cleo Madison asked returned missionaries to give their best advice to those who are preparing to serve. Here are some of the powerful responses:
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"I was just like, 'He's my brother and I'm here for you if you need something from me, a kidney or whatever, it's yours,'" Branden Seare said.
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LDS entrepreneurs David Sparks and David Kiley are not exactly what you might think of as stereotypical returned missionaries. Better known as "Heavy D" and "Diesel Dave," these two friends own and operate DieselSellerz—the world's largest marketplace related to anything diesel. In January 2016, Discovery Channel aired the hit reality TV show, Diesel Brothers, which highlights the friends' custom vehicle builds, crazy stunts, and elaborate pranks.
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Although Jacob Hanneman is considered an older prospect for the Chicago Cubs due to his LDS mission, he doesn't regret his choice to serve and feels grateful for the experiences he had as a missionary.
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Today, June 30, marks the one-year mark since returned missionary Joshua Holt was imprisoned in Venezuela. Many have been fighting for Holt's release, including his family, the Vatican, senators, and the former secretary of state and vice president.
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The following is a letter we've republished with permission from Elder Cameron Condie and Elder Cayden Cazier's family:
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Thanks to KSL for making us aware of this video.
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LDS Midshipman and returned missionary Colin Gallacher performed the national anthem at the Preakness Stakes horse race on Saturday.
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Learn how a surprise trip to Disneyland became the "best day ever" after an unexpected visit from Johnny Depp.
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“Mark never thought he had Down syndrome. He never thought he had any disability,” Stacey Anderson said. “He just thought he could do anything. He didn’t think he was limited, and I think it was by the way people treated him in the community. … Everyone treated him so good that he thought he could do it all.”
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While missions build wonderful experiences, we should be careful about the stereotypes we carry in the Church.
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Last Month, returned missionary Dante Racioppo was critically injured when an impaired driver hit his car, causing it to spin out of control and into the path of a second oncoming car.
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"What is the Book of Mormon?"
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With Joshua Holt's health failing and after his horrible treatment by his imprisoners, his family is desperate to get him home soon.
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A little more than 18 months ago, LDS author Jason F. Wright wrote an open letter to his daughter before she left on her mission titled Letter to Missionary Daughter: "A Mission Isn't for You." Now, after returning home from her mission, his daughter has a chance to respond to his letter.
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A common complaint when other football teams face off against BYU linemen is they are two years older, because many serve LDS missions, and therefore bigger, giving an unfair advantage.
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On New Year's Eve, LDS member Ariel Pearse became the first woman from New Zealand to win Miss Tourism International since it's inception in 1994.
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