Research shows Latter-day Saints are less likely to experience toxic perfectionism than other groups
“Those who are affiliated with religion, those who believe in God, tend to have lower levels of toxic perfectionism.”
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“We only place limits upon God’s power when we require that His creation fit our own personal views or when we try to suppress the views of others.”
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The temple endowment is a sacred, special experience. But what does it symbolize and is it okay if you don't understand it all?
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“You either are thriving in your life, or you’re just enduring your life,” Stacy Taniguchi told This Is the Gospel episode producer Sarah Blake this summer.
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Those who pray and study scriptures at home report higher levels of happiness, meaning, and feelings of God’s love in their life, according to a new study from the Wheatley Institution. Highly religious couples—those who attend church and worship regularly at home—also report greater relationship satisfaction, sexual satisfaction, and a sense of spousal commitment, kindness, forgiveness, and joint decision-making.
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A group of BYU professors recently set out to examine the female experience in a top-10, predominately male collegiate accounting program. They believe the results of the research are not only helpful in an academic or professional setting but that it could even apply to our ward councils and our families.
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More than 20,000 young women are currently serving full-time missions in countries around the world. Their purpose is to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ and serve others. However, the benefits that result from a mission are more than just increased religiosity.
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I often overhear people talking about their fears of being more than one thing. One side of the conversation regularly goes something like this: “I can’t be both _____________ and a member of the Church.” And if they’re not saying it about themselves, they’re talking about somebody else. Sometimes it comes in the form of a question: “Can you be gay and still be a member of the Church?”
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:This article is republished with permission from Book of Mormon Central. For more inspiring and instructive content on the Book of Mormon visit Book of Mormon Central, subscribe to our mailing list, see our YouTube videos, and follow us on Facebook.
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When the Lord commanded Lehi to send his sons back to Jerusalem to get the brass plates, He knew they would face danger, challenges, and peril. We might ask ourselves why, after rescuing Lehi’s family from the impending destruction of Jerusalem, the Lord asked them to go right back into danger to retrieve the records. As Terryl Givens observes, “The cost in expense, effort, and human life demonstrate a profound valuation of scripture… in the Book of Mormon” (The Book of Mormon: A Very Short Introduction).
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“I’ve found that the more you rely upon God and your faith, you find that you have the tools to overcome anything," A.J. Edwards said.
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The Deseret News and The Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy at Brigham Young University recently revealed the results of their 2018 American Family Survey. They surveyed 3,000 American adults of different demographics on marriage, family, parenting, politics, and other relevant topics concerning families in the United States.
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Skeptics have sometimes compared the Book of Mormon to the work of J.R.R. Tolkien, including his epic trilogy The Lord of the Rings. If, they reason, Tolkien could create an entire imaginary world, with a large and detailed geography and a complex history that involves multiple ethnic groups, wars, and intricate subplots, it’s surely not impossible to imagine that Joseph Smith might have done the same.
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Anyone who knows me may be shocked to learn that I have a secret addiction to social media, namely Facebook and Instagram. While I enjoy sharing posts from time to time, what I really love is seeing what my 1,500 closest friends all over the country are up to. I love scrolling through their greatest accomplishments, funniest moments, and pictures of their adorable kids and pets.
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A recent Harvard study shows that teens who pray or meditate and attend religious services are more likely to maintain a healthy well-being in their young adult years.
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Professor Henry Eyring of Princeton University asked a fellow scientist if he would like to collaborate on a chemical kinetics research project. The scientist refused, believing “they would never live long enough to finish the problem.” Henry countered, “That’s true if we don’t learn anything while we are working on the problem.”
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After his brother fell nearly 30-feet, Samuel Crane says it's a miracle his bother was found and rescued.
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As featured in a recent LDS Living video, "Do Mormons believe in dinosaurs?" is one of the most googled phrases about Mormon beliefs. And although there's no doctrinal stand on the matter, here's what one paleontologist has to say about why he, and BYU, studies dinosaurs.
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Following the Saturday afternoon session of general conference, the First Presidency issued the 2017 statistical report for the Church.
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A study released today reveals new insights about society's views on the Ten Commandments and lying in particular. In addition to evaluating how various political parties and age demographics view the Ten Commandments, the study shows how Mormons line up compared to the rest of the world.
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We tell stories of Christ, we show pictures of Him in Sunday School, and we pray in His name, but do we really know what He looks like? It’s a question that has likely pricked at the back of your mind from time to time, and you’re not the only one. Scholars, anthropologists, and artists have all tried to determine what Christ looked like. Here’s what we do and don’t know.
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From landing men on the moon to helping humans reach interstellar space, these Latter-day Saint pioneers dedicated their lives to exploring the outer most limits of space and expanding our understanding of the celestial.
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Much as critics and defenders of the Book of Mormon would like to use DNA studies to support their views, the evidence is simply inconclusive.
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According to BYU research, apps used to track diet, exercise, or mental health can actually be great self-help tools for users.
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“The less time you spend on social media, the more healthy you will be—physically, mentally, and socially,” said Robert R. Wright, director of the Health Psychology Emphasis in the BYU–Idaho Psychology Department.
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Results from a recent nationwide study released today indicate that most people still hold a favorable view of marriage, that technology can be harmful to relationships, and that four out of five kids over age 12 have cell phones, among other findings.
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We've all experienced that moment when we see someone and just have a gut feeling we've found a fellow Mormon. It could be at Disneyland, on the train, while traveling in obscure corners of the world, or in so many other places.
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Here are some interesting findings on Church members who view general conference and those who don't.
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After graduating college, I realized I hadn't hit nearly as many checkboxes as I wanted on the five-year plan I made when I was a Mia Maid.
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Often what we hear and see on social media can begin to skew our perception of the world—and that is entirely the case with Millennials.
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Same-sex attraction is a sensitive and complex topic, especially within the Church. While many Church members know a loved one or are personally experiencing same-sex attraction, understanding how to reconcile our beliefs with loving others and our day-to-day experience can be difficult. How can we better understand others? How can we love and support others in the healthiest way possible? How can we help others find true happiness?
4 Min Read
Sometimes I feel that I’m the only one who seems to struggle to get answers to prayers. Then, of course, I get corrected by the scriptures. We are not alone in our struggle. Five individuals in scripture, people like you and me, have also wrestled for answers. These are their stories.
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The following was republished from BYU News.
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“Your blessing is not to be folded neatly and tucked away. It is not to be framed or published. Rather, it is to be read. It is to be loved. It is to be followed. Your patriarchal blessing will see you through the darkest night. It will guide you through life’s dangers. … Your patriarchal blessing is to you a personal Liahona to chart your course and guide your way.” —President Monson
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Have you heard about the newest member of the BYU Museum of Paleontology?
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Americans are warming up to Mormons, at least according to a recent Pew Research study "Americans Express Increasingly Warm Feelings Toward Religious Groups."
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If you're wondering where you can go to find a little compassion in the world, apparently Provo, Utah, is the place to be.
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There's nothing like waking up in the morning and downing a big glass of cricket protein milkshake.
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A recent study by Michigan State University determined Utah is the second-best state to fall in love, with Mississippi ranking as No. 1.
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PEW Research recently released an articleranking U.S. religions from most to least educated, basing their results on a survey of 35,000 adults.
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Happiness ultimately boils down to two essential components—at least according to a Harvard study that took 75 years to complete. But these components are something Church leaders were sharing long before the study was ever published.
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Some interesting findings from Pew Research:
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The idea for this article came from another article appearing in Southwest: The Magazine, entitled "Flying Foxes, Caribbean Monkeys, a Tiny Laboratory in a Wyoming Cabin, and a Young Mormon Missionary Who Became a Samoan Chief Before Pursuing one of Life's Greatest Medical Mysteries," by Jay Heinrichs.
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Brigham Young University biology professor Byron Adams has spent many months in the depths of Antartica, conducting scientific research in the coldest, harshest environment on earth.
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In 2014, Mormons were the most Republican religious group in the United States. However, a recent Pew study comparing how voters identify based on their religion, race, and gender shows a political shift among LDS voters.
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Many early critics of the Book of Mormon insisted that the book was inaccurate because there was no way the sword of Laban could be made of steel. That was, until a surprising archeological discovery was made 30 years ago. Matthew Roper, a research associate at the Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship at BYU, discussed this at the FairMormon Conference and told more about what swords in the Book of Mormon were really like.
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In a recent article, Mormon Newsroom dug into why many people believe churches don't help solve social problems and why they are wrong.
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A new study showed that weekly attendance at worship services may reduce the risk of suicide for women.
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Ever since their beginnings, all of the great Abrahamic religions have found themselves frequently at odds with more scientific communities. The Biblical tales of the Creation, Noah's Ark, and the Tower of Babel are taken as literal truth by many despite their apparent incompatibility with science.
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"Staying at home: It's the most important thing a woman can do—or a cop-out. It's a job description—or a recipe for mind-numbing boredom. Stay-at-home mothers are equally lauded and adored, pitied and derided. . . . And our culture still thinks it's fine to ask mothers this frustrating and patronizing question: So what do you do all day?"
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Recently, the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which includes 23 scientists from 10 countries, reviewed nearly 1,000 studies dealing with high-temperature drinks. Based on the evidence from these studies, the WHO has concluded that drinking hot beverages (anything about 149°F) is linked to a higher risk for esophagus cancer.
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