When Meg Walter taught a Relief Society lesson one month after her father’s death, the topic felt unexpectedly personal and painful.
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Try these simple activities to keep your family’s focus on the Savior.
3 Min Read
Elder Gerrit W. Gong dedicated the Taylorsville Utah Temple on Sunday, June 2, and invited Church members to “come to the Lord in the house of the Lord.”
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A man scarred by war shares a sacred dream in which a friend he’d lost appeared to him, holding in his hands the way to purpose and peace.
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Elder Gong presented important guiding principles, which were all approved by the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
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Elder and Sister Gong’s tender experience dedicating family graves that went unmarked for 150+ years
A visit to Sister Gong’s ancestors in the UK taught Elder Gong invaluable lessons about self-worth we can all benefit from.
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Five different members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles made visits to members of the Church around the world and shared inspiring and hopeful messages.
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Much of this Sunday's broadcast has already been recorded. Here’s why the youth who participated already loved it:
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Elder Gerrit W. Gong and Sister Susan Gong will be the keynote speakers for Family Discovery Day on the final day of RootsTech 2023.
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Throughout November, 9 of the 15 apostles have had ministry assignments around the world. Find out where and what messages they’ve shared.
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Get to know the current members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve with these books and talks authored by our beloved leaders.
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In preparing for this week’s Come, Follow Me lesson, I keep accidentally typing “virtual” instead of “virtuous.” Which got me thinking, what would it mean to be a virtually virtuous woman or man?
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Elder Gong’s April 2021 conference address, “Room in the Inn,” has now been set to gorgeous stained glass illustrations.
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I loved the thought Elder Gong was sharing but couldn’t help myself from sneaking glances at the sister sitting near me.
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“What we do in [the temple] is not secret—it’s sacred. And so to be able to talk about those things in the temple has been very eye-opening for everyone who has come in.”
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In a flurry of posts for Valentine’s Day, here’s what Church leaders are encouraging us to remember on the day of chocolate and flowers.
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This story was originally published by LDS Living in December 2018 and has been updated in honor of his birthday.
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Elder David A. Bednar and Elder Gerrit W. Gong encouraged Latter-day Saints to better understand and find common ground with the world's 1.8 billion followers of Islam and introduced a new Church pamphlet.
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As the Taylorsville Utah Temple groundbreaking began on Halloween morning, the sun was just rising, warming the backs of the handful of attendees. It was a beautiful, crisp October day, complete with blue skies and a few Canada geese flying overhead. People who lived nearby perched on backyard shed roofs to view the proceedings or watched through the chain link fences from a distance as the freeway traffic roared by on one end of the field.
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Update October 16, 2020, from Facebook
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Over the weekend, leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shared messages of peace, hope, and faith for the future. Here is a look back at some of our favorite photos and screenshots from the October 2020 general conference.
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As part of the Church's Special Witnesses of Christ series, Elder Gerrit W. Gong and Elder Ulisses S. Soares share their testimonies of God's love, covenant belonging, loving one another, temples, and peace.
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Amidst their world travels andbig Church changes, it's impossible to summarize all the good the prophet and apostles have done this year. But here's a glimpse into some of the most popular and touching stories and messages shared from the Brethren this year.
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In case you haven't heard the exciting news, the prophet and apostles are now using Instagram to share Christ's lightand reach members of the Church in new ways.
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The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are now using Instagram to share the light of Jesus Christ with millions around the world.
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“For me, looking backward from the future is a remembrance of things to come,” Elder Gong said. “It is an invitation to prepare now for a future that will be here tomorrow."
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In general conference, Elder Gerrit W. Gong spoke of a tender experience he had when Elder Richard G. Scott invited him to watercolor paint with him.
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Ever wondered what the apostles looked like growing up? Here's a glimpse at our beloved apostles as children.
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Elder Gerrit W. Gong and Elder Ulisses Soares made history during the April 2010 general conference by being called as the first Asian-American apostle and the first Latin American apostle respectively. Here are 6 fun facts about Elder Gong.
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The April 2018 general conference was unforgettable. Not only did the stars align so that Easter, conference, and April Fools all landed on the same day, we participated in a solemn assembly, sustained a new prophet and two new apostles, and received a few jaw-dropping surprises.
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April 2018 general conference was historic as Elder Ulisses S. Soares and Elder Gerrit W. Gong were called and sustained as the newest members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The two men bore powerful testimonies over the pulpit in the Sunday afternoon session and have since shared many valuable messages on their social media pages.
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Recently, Elder D. Todd Christofferson wrote an articleabout the remarkable life of our new apostle, Elder Gerrit W. Gong. In the article, which will be published in the October Ensign, President Russell M. Nelson said, “When we send Elder Gong into any situation, those involved feel they have found a friend. He has a high level of knowledge, but he is humble. He relates with people at all levels and is always well-prepared and persuasive.”
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In our quest to understand deep doctrine, the celestial universe, and the eternities, sometimes we overlook the simple things that are just as powerful and soul-shaping. Take, for instance, these four phrases Elder Gerrit W. Gong shared on Facebook:
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Choosing an eternal companion is one of the most important decisions to make in this life. However, people fall in love and find their eternal companions in many different ways. Even our beloved prophet and apostles experienced times when they had butterflies in their stomachs and unrestful nights thinking about their significant others. Here are the stories of how our prophet and apostles found their eternal companions.
17 Min Read
"It's said that the Brethren are wonderful," Elder Gong said, "but they're even more wonderful when you see them in places where they are not otherwise seen. I think if there's anything I've felt, it's been that: The kindness, the authenticity, the great faith and testimony that you see in private that goes perhaps even beyond that which you see in public."
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We know the First Presidency and apostles sacrifice much to serve the Lord and members around the world, but sometimes we fail to recognize the women who travel with them, stand beside them, and sacrifice just as much for our Church. Learn a little more about the wives of the apostles.
14 Min Read
"The song of our risen Savior’s redeeming love celebrates the harmony of covenants that connect us to God and to each other and the Atonement of Jesus Christ," said Elder Gerrit W. Gong at the closing session of the BYU Women's Conference on May 4.
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While in Jerusalem, KSL's religion specialist Carole Mikita asked President Nelson what it was like calling two new apostles shortly before traveling to the holy city where Jesus Christ called his original twelve apostles.
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Learn more about Elder and Sister Gong, their service around the world, and how they feel about Elder Gong's calling as an apostle.
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The Church's announcement of two new members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has been making headlines around the country. Here is what major media outlets have to say about these new Church leaders:
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Elder Gerrit W. Gong was called as an Apostle during the 188th Annual General Conference on March 31, 2018. We are so grateful for his dedication and service over the years and thought we’d share some important facts to know about him.
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What a beautiful look at how the Savior inspired others in the New Testament and how he continues to work in our lives today.
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Following a rather eventful conference weekend with three new apostles being called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, leadership changes continue to occur within the Church.
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