Through an experience in sacrament meeting, one mother found relief from worry about her family’s walk on the covenant path.
2 Min Read
These 10 moments from the Book of Mormon reveal beautiful insights about temple covenants.
6 Min Read
Artist Chrisanne Serafin recently created a stunning painting of the master of the vineyard from Jacob 5 inspired by her Mexican ancestry.
1 Min Read
Kerry Muhlestein once met Harrison Ford and joked with him about the nickname.
8 Min Read
My 83-year-old grandpa doesn't just like pickleball for the fun of it—the sport is his favorite way to fellowship and share the gospel.
4 Min Read
“Mostly by accident, I’ve found three different messages President Nelson has given in the past six months in which he taught about this special Hebrew word.”
6 Min Read
As members of the Church, we have been given a noble birthright and have been set apart to help gather scattered Israel and build the kingdom of God on the earth. But what exactly does that mean?
6 Min Read
“A mother looks down at the baby in her arms and realizes that this perfect little infant is trying to wordlessly get her attention. In the sweetness of that moment, the Spirit softly whispers thoughts and impressions to her mind.”
8 Min Read
For a full 10 seconds I stood in amazement. It had never occurred to me at this point in the second half of a two-semester course that I needed to define something so fundamental.
13 Min Read
The prophet reiterated a message that has become a common theme of his ministry: the importance of Latter-day Saints working to gather Israel.
1 Min Read
I laugh every time I think about a text I got from Emily Belle Freeman this summer.
7 Min Read
Continuing a pattern that has existed since the early days of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, leaders from around the world gathered April 4 and 5, 2019, on Temple Square in Salt Lake City to receive instruction from senior leaders of the Church and to learn from one another. The meetings began Thursday with instruction from the First Presidency, and continued Friday with teaching from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, the Presiding Bishopric and presidents of the Church’s organizations for women, men, youth and children. This gathering included more than 300 leaders from every area of the world.
5 Min Read
In a day of repeated and widespread prophetic messaging across the state of Arizona, President Russell M. Nelson summed up his call to action with a personalized invitation that sent a near-audible ripple of listeners giving increased attention.
1 Min Read
I offer the following suggestions on benefits we may be missing from this wonderful personal counsel from God.
6 Min Read
I have been interested in a statement made about Abraham by Moses in Genesis 24:
4 Min Read
Through the ages, God has made covenants with His children. His covenants occur throughout the entire plan of salvation and are therefore part of the fulness of His gospel. For example, God promised to send a Savior for His children, asking in turn for their obedience to His law.
7 Min Read