Here are 5 phrases to use instead of “let me know how I can help.”
2 Min Read
Help show your ministering sisters they're loved with a heartwarming gift.
1 Min Read
“I believe God connected us because Kai was at a time in his life when he was searching for more.”
2 Min Read
We couldn’t contact my son while he was overseas with the Marine Corps. I was so worried until God whispered this truth to me.
3 Min Read
Think of these women in the scriptures as a girlfriend telling you her story.
2 Min Read
President Nelson has counseled that we should “learn to listen, then listen to learn.” Here are three ways we can truly listen to our loved ones.
4 Min Read
I've always liked to keep my mental shelves fully stocked with absolutes and platitudes. Until the late Melissa Inouye showed me the power of emptiness.
4 Min Read
Church is a wonderful place to nurture friendships. Here are some ideas when you’re stuck on how to get started.
1 Min Read
One woman’s incredibly welcoming experience in a new ward—4 tips to help your visitors feel the same
After one woman forgot to pack a dress on vacation and wore hiking pants instead, she left church wanting to cheer aloud because of how she was welcomed.
2 Min Read
On the sometimes awkward but important quest for friends, I ask myself this question before church each week.
2 Min Read
When Ashley Hatch invited her professional soccer team to a temple open house, she didn't realize until later how much the experience touched one of her teammates.
3 Min Read
Sometimes when we ask for a miracle or for healing, God sends a friend.
8 Min Read
Unknown to me, their love and support was exactly what I needed at that time in my life.
3 Min Read
“When I chose to let that light guide me, my darkness became navigable—even joyful at times.”
5 Min Read
Finding common ground with others can be easy when we start with a few simple questions and then genuinely listen to the answers.
2 Min Read
The Book of Mormon is one of the best sources to find relationship advice. Check out these scriptures on principles like boundaries and communication.
7 Min Read
I asked questions I’ve long held but didn't know who to ask about. I hope these answers will help your ministering efforts and fill you with hope.
9 Min Read
Making new friends as an adult can seem like a daunting task, but when approached with childlike enthusiasm it can become a rewarding challenge.
6 Min Read
In our busy lives, how do we make planning and participating in church activities a joy rather than a burden?
9 Min Read
In a world where it’s becoming increasingly easy to avoid interaction, many of us may struggle with feelings of loneliness and isolation, or we may even feel inadequate when tasked with building a new friendship.
6 Min Read
Whether you're new in your ward or just haven't quite found your place, here are five simple ways to create connections on your friend-making journey.
8 Min Read
We all want to feel loved and accepted. Here are nine ideas that may help those who are unable to fully participate at church know they are welcome among their fellow Latter-day Saints.
14 Min Read
Meet the Evangelical pastor who’s building interfaith bridges with Latter-day Saints through YouTube
Jeff McCullough is an Evangelical pastor who has spent the last year learning everything there is to know about Latter-day Saints and the Church. Here’s why.
12 Min Read
As Bryan Hall walked up to a group of general conference protesters one cold October morning, he never thought that he would one day become friends with the ringleader, Ruben Israel, a man he had come to hate—a man he had never even met.
11 Min Read
We’d be willing to bet your next linger longer that most Latter-day Saints who go to YSA wards today have no idea how they came to be. Here’s a look at how they’ve evolved over the years.
16 Min Read
London called their long-distance friendship “a very slow, very patient conversation,” but one in which they’ve truly gotten to know each other, find commonalities, and share decades of personal stories.
3 Min Read
"I found some new gems in the story of Ruth and Naomi that have changed my outlook on my own female friendships."
6 Min Read
Speaking of her friendship with Rev. Theresa Dear, Dew says, “Because she has been places in her life I have not been, she broadens my point of view and understanding, even on the most sensitive of subjects.”
1 Min Read
“He remembereth every creature of his creating, he will make himself manifest unto all” —Mosiah 27:30
4 Min Read
How much love does a cookie hold? Ten friends who will celebrate their 40th year of exchanging Christmas cookies can tell you. For them, the baking, packaging, and sharing of cookies each December is a reminder that time cannot diminish the love shared by friends through a cookie! Don't forget to look through all the pages for all their favorite cookie recipes.
10 Min Read
Singles occupy a unique place in the Church. At least one-third of the adult Church membership is single. As President James E. Faust has pointed out, we were all single before we were married, and many, due to divorce or death of a spouse, will once again be single. The promise of an eternal family is nonetheless available to all who are worthy.
8 Min Read
When one of my friends announced on social media that she no longer had a testimony of the Church, I was shocked and saddened. A few months later I met up with another good friend who told me that she and her entire family had left the Church. I felt profound grief, confusion, and loss for these friends, and I struggled to understand and reconcile my feelings. How would their choices affect the future of our friendship?
5 Min Read
Ward families provide wonderful opportunities to worship, make friends, find support, and strengthen your testimony as ward members work, learn, grow, and live together. But speaking as a former long-term member of a young single adult ward and a current member of an apartment-heavy ward with newlyweds and senior missionary couples coming in and out on a regular basis, I know that feeling support and connection at church can be a little more difficult when your ward family is constantly changing. Here are a few tips I’ve gathered that might help both leaders and members create more unity in an ever-changing ward.
6 Min Read
Zoram, we are told, was a “true friend” to Nephi (see2 Nephi 1:30), as was Amulek to Alma. Hyrum was a true friend and brother to Joseph.
4 Min Read
Larry Miller was well known for his philanthropy and generosity. This excerpt from the book Behind the Drive: 99 Inspiring Stories from the Life of an American Entrepreneur details Larry's friendship with Jon Hunstman Sr.
6 Min Read
This month’s visiting teaching principle and First Presidency message remind us that in our quest to better ourselves, we need to remember to prayerfully minister to others with love and to rely on the Atonement when we mess up.
1 Min Read
This month's messages remind us of the Savior, His birth, and the Spirit of Christ, which we can invite into our life not only during the Christmas season but for the whole year.
1 Min Read
President Lyndon B. Johnson and President David O. McKay had one of the closest relationships between a Church president and U.S. president. They spoke fondly of each other and President Johnson visited Salt Lake City numerous times, even before Johnson was elected.
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Thanks to Meridian Magazine for making us aware of these changes.
1 Min Read
Two LDS men came across one of their best childhood friends they had not seen in years, after discovering he was living homeless on the streets of Salt Lake City.
1 Min Read
I have a confession to make—sometimes being a member of the Church makes me feel very uncomfortable. When I stand to bear my testimony, I feel a bit embarrassed. When I’m scheduling appointments with my visiting teaching sisters, I sometimes secretly hope that they’ll cancel or postpone. Missionary experiences? I don’t often pray for them, and if I do, I pray that I’ll see them coming a few days ahead of time so I can prepare.
5 Min Read
Most little girls love spending time with their dads.
1 Min Read
Nish and Emily come from two completely different backgrounds.
1 Min Read
Cancer—that was the word that set Laura scrambling to help her sister Carol when she called to share her diagnosis.
1 Min Read
Emily Farmer and McEwan “Mac” Voorhees don’t have much in common.
3 Min Read
LDS author Jason F. Wright was stopped at a 7-Eleven after running some errands in Strasburg, Virginia, when Anita Hughes walked into the store and shouted, "Does anyone know how to get to Ohio?!"
1 Min Read
In Utah County it happens frequently—use of The Lingo. If a person looks remotely Mormon (appropriate skin coverage, no obvious consumption of contraband) the assumption is they’re LDS. I almost always fall into that category.
4 Min Read
“I thought it was over,” he exhaled. “I mean, she said that I was her friend…her friend!”
2 Min Read
Latter-day Saint Caitlin McKinnon has come to learn firsthand how Mormons, Muslims, and people of all faiths can allow their beliefs to pull them together instead of apart.
1 Min Read
It was a Saturday morning like any other.
7 Min Read
What powerful thoughts that Elder D. Todd Christofferson shared in the March issue of the Ensign, thoughts that he has developed through personal experience. Here are some thoughts he shared:
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