For the Strength of Youth

August 23, 2024 02:45 PM MDT
The updated ‘For the Strength of Youth’ manual provides an encouragingly clear guide for parents to follow, reminding me of how my mom taught me.
4 Min Read
August 15, 2024 06:52 AM MDT
Here are specific suggestions from the Young Men general presidency on how local leaders can have a meaningful impact on the youth in their wards.
2 Min Read
The Church will send printed copies of its three global magazines in 50 languages at no cost to households in most parts of the world.
1 Min Read
January 29, 2024 03:36 PM MST
This eye-opening definition of discipleship shared by Elder Stevenson, President Freeman, and President Lund has helped alleviate the pressure for me to be perfect.
2 Min Read
August 30, 2023 05:25 AM MDT
Here are five tips that I believe can help both you and your child get off to a good start with seminary and make the most of the opportunity to come closer to Christ.
4 Min Read
August 24, 2023 05:07 PM MDT
Revisions to the honor code standardize expectations for students and are consistent with the principles taught in the Church’s ‘For the Strength of Youth’ guide.
1 Min Read
August 17, 2023 09:05 AM MDT
“I felt compassion for Christina knowing she had wondered if something was wrong with her. I also felt so much gratitude for an FSY teacher who helped her see herself more clearly.”
7 Min Read
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “The Church wants to give greater access to the words of the prophets, and we are excited to make the printed copies of the Church magazines available at no cost.”
1 Min Read
Asia’s first “For the Strength of Youth Facility” has been specifically designed to host FSY conferences, helping Latter-day Saint youth have fun, strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ, and feel joy and belonging as they live the gospel.
1 Min Read
January 24, 2023 10:30 AM MST
Much of this Sunday's broadcast has already been recorded. Here’s why the youth who participated already loved it:
2 Min Read
December 25, 2022 09:00 AM MST
We saw plenty of changes in 2022! A new “For the Strength of Youth” pamphlet, new Primary and Relief Society General Presidencies, and an entire African nation dedicated for missionary work to name a few!
1 Min Read
December 06, 2022 03:00 PM MST
Registration for FSY begins January 24, 2023.
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October 03, 2022 01:44 PM MDT
The new guide for youth “focuses on the foundation [of] values, principles, and doctrine instead of every specific behavior.”
4 Min Read
The new guide, “For the Strength of Youth: A Guide for Making Choices,” is based on gospel principles, agency and inspiration.
1 Min Read
The Young Women and Young Men General Presidencies have announced that the 2023 Youth Theme comes from Philippians 4:13.
1 Min Read
April 21, 2022 07:00 AM MDT
After two years of postponements, the exciting new Church-hosted youth conferences are back in full swing this summer!
5 Min Read
October 06, 2021 02:22 PM MDT
FSY conferences have been on hold since 2020 due to the pandemic but are back on for next year. Here’s why the conference is so important for youth.
1 Min Read