Make studying the Savior's final week a natural part of your day.
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Pres. Oaks also clarifies that all who have ever lived will be resurrected.
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Imagine that I were to offer you a free painting of Jesus Christ. If you could choose any of the below six images to hang in your home, which would you choose?
4 Min Read
The music is both soothing and powerful, and the entire family was involved in creating it.
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President Holland’s apostolic witness of Christ serves as a powerful testament to the true reason we celebrate Easter and why we cherish our Savior Jesus Christ.
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A debt paid? Understanding? Protection? Comfort? For any definition of the word “cover,” you can find a solution for it in the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
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The first witness of the resurrected Savior was Mary Magdalene, and she gives us a powerful example of what discipleship means.
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For more than 1,600 years Christians have been documented as celebrating Good Friday. What is this holiday and how can we make it meaningful?
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Here are 7 beautiful quotes to help you and your family remember why we celebrate Easter.
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Looking for creative Easter traditions focused on Christ? Try these seven easy ideas, like getting a peace lily or enjoying Easter “carols.”
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Studying the last week of Jesus’s life can teach us so much about Him and enhance the meaning of Easter in our lives.
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A man scarred by war shares a sacred dream in which a friend he’d lost appeared to him, holding in his hands the way to purpose and peace.
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We believe that inspiring, beautiful music is one of the most powerful ways to invite the Spirit into your home and help center your family’s Easter celebrations on the Savior.
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Here’s how celebrating Holy Week with your children can create spiritual memories to last a lifetime.
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Whether you’re filling a basket for children, grandparents, or anyone in between, here are some of our favorite Christ-centered Easter gifts.
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“Easter isn’t just about chocolate eggs and bunnies—it’s a time to reflect on the profound impact of Jesus Christ in our lives.”
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“This Easter season, we invite you to ponder the Savior’s atoning sacrifice and glorious Resurrection, which bless all of us.”
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Last week’s letter also mentioned that local leaders can adjust start times for these sacrament meetings to best accommodate the needs of members.
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Latter-day Saints do not necessarily need to adopt the practices of the Christian liturgical calendar, but we can be enriched as we learn from our Christian brothers and sisters.
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After a three-year hiatus, more than 700 volunteers have once again come together to celebrate the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ through live performance and music.
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President Nelson shares a personal story forgiveness after losing two of his young patients—sisters—and facing parents who blamed him for their deaths.
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This moving new video highlights real-world examples of how the Savior Jesus Christ can help us rise above any earthly challenge or trial.
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Looking for a new, inspiring way to celebrate Holy Week and prepare for Easter Sunday either personally or with your family?
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A special Easter message from the First Presidency was included in the April 2023 “Liahona” magazine.
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Church members will celebrate Easter on Sunday, April 9 with a single worship meeting commemorating the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
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“Perhaps the longest-lived celebration of gratitude and thanksgiving is Passover. What’s the origin of Passover and what’s its connection to modern day Thanksgiving and our covenants with God?”
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The triumph of Easter is preceded by humility shown in foot-washing rituals on Maundy Thursday.
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“‘He is risen’ was the angelic message of the first Easter. With feelings of worship and gratitude, we declare our witness that Jesus Christ is indeed risen.”
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It is hard for me to fully imagine what the women must have experienced as they came to the tomb and found it empty.
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Apostles and prophets bear witness to Christ and His divine mission. This Easter season, we have compiled some of our favorite quotes from these Church leaders on the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
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There is one event during Holy Week that can seem strange when compared to the other acts the Savior performed during His last days: the cleansing of the temple in Jerusalem.
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Here are 13 beautiful photos of some of the places and cities where the Savior may have walked during his mortal ministry.
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Every Easter season, I anxiously anticipate when the classic, Academy Award-winning, biblically epic movie The Ten Commandments begins to play on TV stations around the world.
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The Church has rolled out a new site for Easter 2022 as part of its annual #BecauseOfHim campaign.
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The Church has released an Easter-themed video for 2022, presented in a cinematic new format.
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Amidst the family parties, candy, and egg decorating, I will always remember those moments of calm as we took time to read about the One who made eternal life and happiness possible.
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The Tabernacle Choir’s special Easter concert honoring the Savior’s Resurrection will be available to stream online and watch on-demand.
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In a video message released on Palm Sunday, President Russell M. Nelson issued an invitation to encourage people everywhere to focus on Jesus Christ this Easter. Included in his video was an invitation to watch the Church’s Easter Sunday general conference.
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As the Savior suffered in agonizing pain on the cross, the Gospels record that He made seven final statements.
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In a video released on Palm Sunday 2021 (March 28), Prophet Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints invites people everywhere to focus on Jesus Christ this Easter.
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The First Presidency released the following Easter message on March 25, 2021:
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As Christians around the world prepare for Easter week, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has started its annual Easter initiative. With the ongoing challenges brought on by the pandemic, this year’s campaign offers a timely message of hope and renewal in Jesus Christ through His atoning sacrifice in our lives.
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Searching for candy and eggs left behind by a magical rabbit, is a fun tradition enjoyed by many families. But many of us are also looking for ways to keep Christ at the focus of our family's Easter celebrations. Here are 10 of our favorite resources to help you do just that.
3 Min Read
As winter weather starts to fade away and give way into spring, the earth signals new life. That same pattern of receiving new life is echoed in our own lives during the Easter season as we think about how the Savior's sacrifice enables us to have new life in Him. In his 2018 talk “ Behold the Man,” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said:
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Listen to the "All In" podcast Easter episode with Rob Gardner here or in the player below.
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This week’s Come, Follow Me lesson focuses on Easter. We hope these suggestions, in addition to the suggestions in the Come, Follow Me manual, can help families focus on the message of Christ’s resurrection this Easter Sunday.
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A new video released by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints invites people everywhere to listen to the Savior this Easter season.
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Each spring, the Lord teaches us that life and warmth follow the fall and the winter. The “fortunate fall” of man brought about spiritual and physical death (Daniel K Judd, The Fortunate Fall: Understanding the Blessings and Burdens of Adversity). These deaths, crucial to the Lord’s plan of salvation, were meant to be overcome. With the budding of the trees and flowers, God teaches us each year that life overpowers death, warmth replaces cold, and light banishes darkness. Martin Luther is credited with saying, “Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in spring-time” (Watchwords for the Warfare of Life from Dr. Martin Luther (New York: M. W. Dodd, 1869), 317).
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For Holy Week, LDS Living has been preparing for Easter in two simple ways: 1) by focusing on the events leading up to Easter on our Instagram account @brightly.beams and 2) by releasing a video a day focusing on the perspective of those who witnessed the life and resurrection of our Savior. Here is our seventh and final video (watch the others here), featuring Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler of Don't Miss This as they testify of the significance of the empty tomb and that the Savior intervenes in our own lives, meeting us where we are at and helping us to become more.
1 Min Read
For Holy Week, LDS Living is preparing for Easter in two simple ways: 1) by focusing on the events leading up to Easter on our Instagram account @brightly.beams and 2) by releasing a video a day focusing on the perspective of those who witnessed the life and resurrection of our Savior. Here is the sixth video (watch the first five here), featuring Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler of Don't Miss This as they explain what we can learn about Easter and our Savior from Thomas. While many focus on Thomas's doubt following the Savior's resurrection, what is even more beautiful is our Savior's reaction to Thomas's questions.
1 Min Read
For Holy Week, LDS Living is preparing for Easter in two simple ways: 1) by focusing on the events leading up to Easter on our Instagram account @brightly.beams and 2) by releasing a video a day focusing on the perspective of those who witnessed the life and resurrection of our Savior. Here is the fifth video (watch the first four here), featuring Emily Belle Freeman and David Butler of Don't Miss This as they explain what we can learn about Easter and our Savior from the view of two disciples who witnessed His resurrection.
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