Pres. Oaks also clarifies that all who have ever lived will be resurrected.
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The invitation in the Doctrine and Covenants to “doubt not, fear not” can sometimes be easier said than done.
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“Finding this story, sharing it with others, and producing this film has changed my life, and I hope that the story of these faithful soldiers will inspire and uplift generations to come.”
3 Min Read
More than 20 years ago, President Dallin H. Oaks was given an “unusual” assignment that would become his “period of greatest growth” as an Apostle.
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The temple recommend questions and statement on wearing the temple garment have been updated to help leaders and members better understand the importance of wearing the temple garment.
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There will be music, a visit from Louie the Toucan, and a fun craft! This 20-minute episode is made just for kids and can be used at home or in Primary.
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The devotional will include messages from Church leaders and music performed by The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square.
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“The Savior’s infinite and perfect love moved Him to atone for all of God’s children. That gift—the Atonement of Jesus Christ—allows all of His other gifts to be ours.”
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Young adults ages 18-30, married or single, are invited to watch the worldwide devotional.
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A special Easter message from the First Presidency was included in the April 2023 “Liahona” magazine.
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The act’s “necessary protections for religious freedom” are “a big step forward,” President Oaks explained.
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Did you miss Sunday’s Christmas devotional? Here’s a recap of what was shared.
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Get to know the current members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve with these books and talks authored by our beloved leaders.
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Melaney Tagg is helping people with seemingly polarizing views come together to recognize that as children of God, we have more in common than we realize.
7 Min Read
Many of us know the First Presidency best by their messages and the service that they give. But what do we know of their life history and the women who have been by their sides?
20 Min Read
For President Oaks’s 90th birthday, Church News released a video highlighting his life and the many lessons he has learned throughout the years.
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President Dallin H. Oaks was born on August 12, 1932, in Provo, Utah. Before he was called as an apostle, he served as a justice of the Utah Supreme Court. He married June Dixon on June 24, 1952, and together they had six children. After June passed away on July 21, 1998, President Oaks met Kristen M. McMain. The two were married on August 25, 2000.
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Sen. Orrin Hatch memorial service: Pres. Oaks, Sen. Mitch McConnell celebrate his faith, camaraderie
Former Utah Senator and Latter-day Saint Orrin G. Hatch was honored by family, politicians, and Church leaders at a memorial service held at the University of Utah’s Institute of Religion.
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As the first speaker of the Saturday evening session of general conference, President Dallin H. Oaks called it a “unique” meeting and gave a special introductory message from the First Presidency.
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The last women’s session of general conference was held in October 2020. Here is one quote from each address to help remind you what was said:
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After they first met, President Oaks wrote in his journal, “Sharmon and I met and walked with Kristen McMain, who proved to be attractive, intelligent, faithful, and fun.”
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In a Church News video, viewers get a peek at what it looks like when the First Presidency discuss matters together as a council.
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Last week, President Oaks visited one of the world’s religious centers, Rome, Italy, and spoke about the global indispensability of religious freedom.
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President Dallin H. Oaks rededicated the Mesa Arizona Temple following extensive renovations on Sunday, December 12, 2021.
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President Henry B. Eyring said the spirit of Christmas is “the joy that comes in worshiping and loving the Lord Jesus Christ.”
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The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released the following Christmas message on Friday, November 26:
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Many of our prophets and apostles have served in their respective country's military, including each member of our First Presidency. Here are powerful spiritual lessons these prophets and apostles learned during their military service.
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Sister Aburto on Mesa temple’s special history for Latin American members + more from Church leaders
With the Mesa Arizona Temple open house underway, Church leaders are encouraging people of all faiths and backgrounds to visit the newly renovated building. In an opinion piece for The Arizona Republic, President Dallin H. Oaks explained that the temple “creates a connection among members of the greater Mesa community.”
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When President Dallin H. Oaks received invitations to speak while serving as a counselor in the Chicago South Stake Presidency, he usually got impressions about what he should speak about.
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Youth often choose prominent persons as role models, never really expecting to meet them. I chose such a role model when I was in my teens. His name was Dallin H. Oaks.
8 Min Read
The Oakland California Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been rededicated under the direction of President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the First Presidency.
4 Min Read
At this wonderful general conference time, it is our privilege to bring together senior leaders of the Church from around the world to provide instruction and to unify our effort to bring God’s children closer to the gospel of Jesus Christ. This morning in a leadership session the First Presidency provided instruction on several important topics. We are pleased to share with our members and friends some very positive messages from that meeting.
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Recently the Ensign shared a beautiful article byBarbara Morgan Gardiner about connecting daughters of God to His priesthood power. This article has been shared by several apostles on Facebook, along with messages about the power of women and how they access priesthood power in their lives.
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Amidst their world travels andbig Church changes, it's impossible to summarize all the good the prophet and apostles have done this year. But here's a glimpse into some of the most popular and touching stories and messages shared from the Brethren this year.
13 Min Read
The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are now using Instagram to share the light of Jesus Christ with millions around the world.
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How can Latter-day Saints balance the competing demands of love and law by following gospel law in their personal lives and simultaneously showing love for those who do not?
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“Whenever there has been a disaster, you have always shown up,” Florida Governor Rick Scott said about the Church and its members helping with relief efforts following Hurricanes Florence and Michael.
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Ever wondered what the apostles looked like growing up? Here's a glimpse at our beloved apostles as children.
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“Our relationship to God and the purpose of earth life are explained in terms of the family," President Dallin H. Oaks said as he addressed young married couples from 11 stakes in the Los Angeles area. "We are the spirit children of heavenly parents. The gospel plan is implemented through earthly families, and our highest aspiration is to perpetuate those family relationships throughout eternity."
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The Ensign recently published an article written by Elder David A. Bednar focusing on the remarkable life of President Dallin H. Oaks. Among the incredible stories shared was this powerful witness of the Spirit and how President Oaks has allowed the Holy Ghost to guide his life. Read the full article here.
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The following is an excerpt from Elder Dallin H. Oaks's book Pure in Heart.
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Choosing an eternal companion is one of the most important decisions to make in this life. However, people fall in love and find their eternal companions in many different ways. Even our beloved prophet and apostles experienced times when they had butterflies in their stomachs and unrestful nights thinking about their significant others. Here are the stories of how our prophet and apostles found their eternal companions.
17 Min Read
When my wonderful mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer, our family’s fervent prayers for her recovery made me think back on the experience of praying for my own dear mother’s recovery from the same illness fourteen years earlier. When I was twenty-two, my mother was diagnosed with cancer. I learned the devastating news while on a Study Abroad at the BYU Jerusalem Center. When I received that call, I was standing at a pay phone on the banks of the Sea of Galilee. I was in the land where the Lord had performed so many miracles, and I knew He could heal my mother. I just needed to have enough faith!
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President Russell M. Nelson
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During the Church's "Be One" event celebrating the 40th anniversary of the priesthood revelation, touching stories were shared of the black pioneers in the Church who remained faithful despite painful priesthood and temple restrictions. President Dallin H. Oaks acknowledged, “I observed the pain and frustration experienced by those who suffered these restrictions and those who criticized them and sought for reasons. I studied the reasons then being given and could not feel confirmation of the truth of any of them.” He also shared the touching moment when he sat down and cried for joy learning of the priesthood revelation. President Russell M. Nelson added, "Differences in culture, language, gender, race, and nationality fade into insignificance as the faithful enter the covenant path and come unto our beloved Redeemer." Read President Nelson's full remarks here, and President Oaks's full remarks here.
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June 8, 1978, is emblazoned into our collective memory as Latter-day Saints. Many of us identify with the sentiments of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, who said, "I can remember exactly where I was. For us, that's the 'where we [were] when Kennedy was shot' [moment], this deep, deep, spiritual, emotional moment in the history of the Church."
8 Min Read
We know the First Presidency and apostles sacrifice much to serve the Lord and members around the world, but sometimes we fail to recognize the women who travel with them, stand beside them, and sacrifice just as much for our Church. Learn a little more about the wives of the apostles.
14 Min Read
Whether a person who has lost a spouse enters into a second marriage is a very personal decision. It depends on many individual circumstances, including the ages of the prospective marriage partners and children, financial implications, and even what is known about the feelings of the deceased spouse. In the hope of benefiting others who decide (as I did) to remarry, I share here some of what I learned as I experienced some of the issues involved in a second marriage.
5 Min Read
I learned what it was like to suffer the death of a beloved spouse. Others have had or will have the same experience. I share here what I learned, knowing that only some of my experiences and conclusions are true for everyone. On this subject, much is individual.
3 Min Read
When the prophets, apostles, and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints congregate every six months to speak to the world, members and nonmembers are invited to tune in and hear their inspired counsel. With so many ears to hear, hearts to listen, and minds to enlighten, Church leaders turn to the Spirit.
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On March 3, President and Sister Oaks sat together as keynote speakers in the closing session of the 2018 RootsTech conference—the largest family history conference in the world.
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