The Lord commanded Adam and Eve to multiply and replenish the earth and to not partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. How do we resolve this apparent contradiction?
8 Min Read
Because we speak often of their innocence, we too often assume Eve and Adam were clueless when they left the garden. But in reality, they had been prepared and taught from the very beginning.
6 Min Read
‘Eve and the Choice Made in Eden’ was one of the first Latter-day Saint books to look deeply into the modern and Restored-gospel perspective on Mother Eve.
1 Min Read
Opinions and beliefs about the mother of the human race are wide and varied, especially from religion to religion. Here are five insights from Latter-Day Saint leaders that may influence how you think about our glorious Mother Eve.
5 Min Read
Though Adam and Eve would leave divinity’s immediate presence, in a very tangible way, Christ would leave with them.
9 Min Read
While the command “thou shalt not eat” is included in this passage, the phrase that follows, “nevertheless, thou mayest choose for thyself,” is unique to the Pearl of Great Price.
6 Min Read
"What, then, do we conclude of the Eden story? Was it figurative or literal? We answer by way of comparison. It, like the temple ceremony, combines a rich blend of both."
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There are many lessons to be learned from the symbolism of Eve being made from a rib from Adam’s side—and all of them seem to point to the importance of marriage.
3 Min Read
The perceived distance between innocence and knowledge has everything to do with lack of experience, and life in the garden epitomized this
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The May pick for LDS Living Book Club is Eve and Adam by Melinda Wheelwright Brown. Follow the LDS Living Book Club Instagram for weekly insights with the author.
6 Min Read
The May pick for LDS Living Book Club is Eve and Adam by Melinda Wheelwright Brown. Follow the LDS Living Book Club Instagram for weekly insights with the author.
9 Min Read
The Bible tells us of God’s careful concern as He reflected on His newly created world and pronounced all things that were made “very good.” We are introduced to Eve: “And I, the Lord God, said unto mine Only Begotten, that it was not good that the man should be alone; wherefore, I will make an help meet for him” (Moses 3:18).
4 Min Read
"I’m grateful that female lives provide at least some of the images Christ draws on in explaining the mighty realities behind some of our most important symbols for who He is."
6 Min Read
The following has been republished with permission
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Jerald Simon doesn’t remember anything from the first eight years of his life. His baptism, the birth of his four siblings, family vacations, learning to play the piano, childhood games and friends—all of these milestones are erased from his consciousness, marked in his mind only by a vast blankness.
13 Min Read
As President Russell M. Nelson taught in October 1996 general conference:
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Adam and Eve were the first mortals to discover the Atonement’s meaning, and they found it only when they were lost. Not long after they were left to wander as outcasts in the lone and dreary world, the Lord sent an angel to teach them: “As thou hast fallen thou mayest be redeemed” ( Moses 5:9 ). He urged them to accept the Atonement by repenting and calling upon God in the name of the Son. He promised that God would not only forgive their transgression in Eden—he would also cause the sorrow and the bitterness of both Eden and mortality to bring them great meaning and joy.
5 Min Read
At least three commandments were given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. We mentioned them last week. They were to:
7 Min Read
It’s important to note that my use of the word mother in this article is not confined to the conventional meaning that we so often limit ourselves to. Instead, I focus on the spiritual and refining aspects of this word and what it means to sacrifice, to love, to uplift, and to nurture God’s children as a woman.
3 Min Read
What a beautiful way to think of this love story all Mormons know well.
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Watching the news and reading my Facebook feed there seems to be a common thread lately—hurt. Some of the recent headlines have brought me to my knees asking what can be done and how can we better heal? Answers to my prayers often come in reading the scriptures. And the answers that have come, for both those hurt and those doing the hurting, was forgiveness.
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In her article "I am a Mormon Because I am a Feminist," Valerie Hudson Cassler shares the way Mormonism liberates women from traditional religious thinking that can be negative or damaging.
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Adam and Eve's experience wasn't all paradise. There were a lot of bumps, awkward moments, tears, and even laughs along the way. A new film series from an LDS couple dives deeper into these moments, showing how love and living are often imperfect, even for Adam and Eve.
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I feel, and the Spirit seems to accord, that the most important doctrine I can declare, and the most powerful testimony I can bear, is of the atoning sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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