Susan Evans McCloud

Susan Evans McCloud is a freelance writer, a student of Latter-day Saint and Utah history, Scottish history and literature, and has a son who plays the bagpipes and a daughter studying Gaelic in Glasgow, Scotland.

November 15, 2022 11:16 AM MST
“O brethren, let us be thankful that it is as well with us as it is, and we are yet alive and peradventure, God hath laid up in store great good for us in this generation, and may grant that we may yet glorify his name,”
3 Min Read
January 04, 2019 02:59 PM MST
A new year, a new page in the book of our lives; and the first steps we take, the first things we see or choose to do, can have special meaning for us, both in the moment and in the days ahead.
4 Min Read