It’s been a month since the last general conference. The messages are available to go back and read, and we’ve had an opportunity to let their words soak in. The last two weeks in Come, Follow Me also cover a conference of sorts when King Benjamin spoke to his people. Now, along with our study of Mosiah 7–10, we’ll relate this message on the power of prophets to the most recent words from our living prophets and general authorities today.
Segment 1
Mosiah 7:33 (He will deliver us out of bondage)
Segment 2
Omni 1:12-23 (Introduction to the elder Mosiah, Zarahemla, and King Benjamin)
Omni 1:27-29 (Journeys from the Land of Zarahemla to the Land of Nephi)

Zarahemla = seed of compassion
Segment 3
Mosiah 7:9,17 (Limhi proclaims to his people)
Mosiah 7:12-13 (Ammon speaks with boldness)
Words of the General Authorities:
By consistently paddling the kayak, I maintained momentum and forward progress, mitigating the effect of waves hitting me from the side. The same principle applies in our spiritual lives. We become vulnerable when we slow down and especially when we stop. If we maintain spiritual momentum by continually “rowing” toward the Savior, we are safer and more secure because our eternal life depends on our faith in Him. (Dale G. Renlund, “The Powerful, Virtuous Cycle of the Doctrine of Christ”, April 2024 General Conference)
I believe the Lord’s admonition to “be still” entails much more than simply not talking or not moving. Perhaps His intent is for us to remember and rely upon Him and His power “at all times and in all things, and in all places that [we] may be in.” Thus, “be still” may be a way of reminding us to focus upon the Savior unfailingly as the ultimate source of the spiritual stillness of the soul that strengthens us to do and overcome hard things. (David A. Bednar, “Be Still, and Know That I Am God”, April 2024 General Conference)
The gospel is not a way to avoid challenges and problems but a solution to increase our faith and learn how to deal with them. (Massimo De Feo, “Rise! He Calleth Thee”, April 2024 General Conference)
Segment 4
Mosiah 8:13-16 (Seer)
Urim and Thummim = light and perfections
Words of the General Authorities:
Brothers and sisters, I have not seen a pillar of light, but, like you, I have experienced many divine rays. (Alexander Dushku, “Pillars and Rays”, April 2024 General Conference)
This list of attributes is much more than a description of a temple. It is a promise about what will happen to those who serve and worship in the house of the Lord. They can expect to receive answers to prayer, personal revelation, greater faith, strength, comfort, increased knowledge, and increased power.
Time in the temple will help you to think celestial and to catch a vision of who you really are, who you can become, and the kind of life you can have forever. Regular temple worship will enhance the way you see yourself and how you fit into God’s magnificent plan. I promise you that.
My dear brothers and sisters, here is my promise. Nothing will help you more to hold fast to the iron rod than worshiping in the temple as regularly as your circumstances permit. Nothing will protect you more as you encounter the world’s mists of darkness. Nothing will bolster your testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement or help you understand God’s magnificent plan more. Nothing will soothe your spirit more during times of pain. Nothing will open the heavens more. Nothing! (Russell M. Nelson, “Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys”, April 2024 General Conference)
Study Helps:
A seer is a revelator and a prophet also” (Mosiah 8:15–16), and when necessary he can use the Urim and Thummim or holy interpreters (Mosiah 8:13; 28:16). There have been many seers in the history of God’s people on this earth but not so many as there have been prophets. “A seer is greater than a prophet … and a gift which is greater can no man have …” (Mosiah 8:15–18). Joseph Smith is the great seer of the latter days. In addition, the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve are sustained as prophets, seers, and revelators. (Gospel Topics, “Seer”)
Our greatest safety lies in strictly following the word of the Lord given through His prophets (Gospel Topics, “Prophets”)
Segment 5
Mosiah 9:1-6 (Zeniff’s travels)
Mosiah 9:12 (Lamanites were lazy and idolatrous)
Mosiah 9:17-18 (God answers prayers)
Mosiah 10:10-11 (The difference between the strength of the Lord and relying on ourselves)
Words of the General Authorities:
What gifts can you pray for? There are many, but today I want to share three: Pray to know. Pray to grow. Pray to show. (Susan H. Porter, “Pray, He Is There”, April 2024 General Conference)
A remarkable promise! Comforting assurance from God Himself! Jesus Christ’s Atonement can deliver and redeem us from sin. But Jesus Christ also intimately understands our every pain, affliction, sickness, sorrow, separation. In time and eternity, His triumph over death and hell can make all things right. He helps heal the broken and disparaged, reconcile the angry and divided, comfort the lonely and isolated, encourage the uncertain and imperfect, and bring forth miracles possible only with God. (Gerrit W. Gong, “All Things for Our Good”, April 2024 General Conference)
Segment 6
Mosiah 10:12 (The difference between the strength of the Lord and relying on ourselves)
Mosiah 10:13 (Be favored of the Lord)
Words of the General Authorities:
My father had my full attention in that moment. He turned and looked at me in the eyes and said, “Son, protect the private times of your life.” (Steven R. Bangerter, “Foreordained to Serve”, April 2024 General Conference)
Unfortunately, words can be thoughtless, hasty, and hurtful. Once said, we cannot take them back. They can wound, punish, cut down, and even lead to destructive actions. They can weigh heavily on us. On the other hand, words can celebrate victory, be hopeful and encouraging. They can prompt us to rethink, reboot, and redirect our course. Words can open our minds to truth. That is why, first and foremost, the Lord’s words matter. (Ronald A. Rasband, “Words Matter” April 2024 General Conference)
It was during President Eyring’s study of physics at the University of Utah and his father was explaining a complex mathematical problem when he stopped and said, “Hal we did the same kind of problem as this a week ago and you’re no better now than you were then at this. Isn’t this what you think about when you don’t have anything else to think about?” When President Eyring said “no,” a very solemn moment followed. His father then said, “Well then, Hal, you’d better get out because you’ll be competing with people where this is their life and they’ll be as bright as you are. You better go find something that you think about when you don’t have to think about it, when it’s just a joy to you.” (President Henry B. Eyring: A Legacy of Learning and Testimony)
View transcript here.