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Mosiah 11–17: Redeem

Fri May 10 15:03:18 EDT 2024
Episode 20

The Book of Mormon Art Catalog’s mission includes furthering scholarship on Book of Mormon art and increasing the ability for everyone to use a wide variety of images in our worship and study. We will look at several pieces depicting the events of this week’s Come, Follow Me study of Mosiah 11–17. Let the visuals bring the stories alive in new, detailed ways!

Segment 1

Book of Mormon Art Catalog

Mosiah 15:6 (A true king; Christ)
CR: Isaiah 53:7
Mosiah 14:3-4 (Christ will be despised and rejected)
Mosiah 17:19 (Abinadi dies)

Segment 2

Mosiah 11:1-19 (King Noah’s wickedness)

Abinadi Before King Noah by Arnold Friberg

Segment 3

Mosiah 15:8-9,20,23, 16:7 (Bands of death)
Mosiah 16:12 (Arms of mercy)
Mosiah 14:5 (With His stripes we are healed)

Who is Abinadi Scripture Chain:
Mosiah 11:20,26
Mosiah 12:1,8,19
Mosiah 13:1-9
Mosiah 17:8-9,20

Trial of Abinadi by Minerva Teichert
Abinadi by Jorge Cocco

Segment 4

Mosiah 14:2, Isaiah 53:2 (Christ like a tender plant; Song of the Suffering Servant)
3 Nephi 27:14 (Christ suffered for us)

Words of the General Authorities:
There was nothing about [Jesus] to cause people to single him out. In appearance he was like men; and so it is expressed here by the prophet that he had no form or comeliness, that is, he was not so distinctive, so different from others that people would recognize him as the Son of God. He appeared as a mortal man. (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Bruce R. McConkie, referenced in Old Testament Seminary Teacher Manual:Lesson 128)

As a Tender Plant by Jennifer Paget
Abinadi and the Savior by Jody Livingston

Study Helps:
Break the Soil of Bitterness: One Woman's Quest for Healing (Church History Video Collections) 
Healing the Beloved Country: The Faith of Julia Mavimbela (July 2017 Ensign)

Segment 5


Mosiah 12:3,10-12 ex. As a garment in the fire (Simile curse)
CR: Mosiah 19:20-21 
Mosiah 14:4-8 ex. He has borne our grief (Prophetic perfect tense)
Mosiah 16:6-7 ex. Speaking of things to come, as though they already had (Prophetic perfect tense)
Mosiah 15:19 ex. Redemption he hath made (Prophetic perfect tense)

It is well for you to remember, while traveling on this journey of life, that there is no prison so dark, no pit so deep, no expanse so broad, that the Spirit of God cannot enter; and when all other privileges are denied us, we can pray, and God will hear us. (Ellenor G. Jones, “The Power of Prayer”, in Improvement Star 1, no. 4, referenced in At the Pulpit: 185 Years of Discourses by Latter-day Saint Women)

The Light and the Life by J. Kirk Richards

Segment 6

Mosiah 17:2 (Alma believes Abinadi)

Words of the General Authorities:
We must have the same faith as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. Our God will deliver us from ridicule and persecution, but if not. … Our God will deliver us from sickness and disease, but if not. … He will deliver us from loneliness, depression, or fear, but if not. … Our God will deliver us from threats, accusations, and insecurity, but if not. … He will deliver us from death or impairment of loved ones, but if not, … we will trust in the Lord. (Dennis E. Simmons, “But If Not…”, April 2004 General Conference)

Death of Abinadi by Unknown
Abinadi Had Testified by Walter Rane

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