Our study of the Book of Mormon this year has been incredible. For 52 weeks we have dug into this book and changed. Hopefully your love of the Book of Mormon has grown. The prophet Moroni loved it too and one of the last things he wrote is for us to consider this book, all that it contains and to discover for ourselves if it is not true. He wants us to challenge the book and to learn for ourselves if it is true. As we study Moroni 10 together, listen and notice the spiritual impressions you receive as the Holy Ghost helps you discover or rediscover the truthfulness of this book and how merciful the Lord hath been to all of us, His people that he loves.
Segment 1 - Holly Richardson
Moroni 10:4-5 (Pray for truth)
Title Page of the Book of Mormon (Manifesting unto all nations)
Words of the General Authorities:
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters—my dear friends—please, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. We must never allow doubt to hold us prisoner and keep us from the divine love, peace, and gifts that come through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Come, Join with Us”, October 2013 General Conference)
Segment 2 - Robert Howarth
Ether 12:27 (Weakness made strength)
Moroni 10:32 (His grace is sufficient)
James 1:2-4 (Count it all joy)
Segment 3 - Tava Udall
Moroni 10:30-33 (Lay hold on every good gift)
Segment 4 - Mike Lindsay
Moroni 10:3 (How merciful the Lord has been)
Alma 39:1-3 (Corianton’s mistakes)
Alma 49:30 (Corianton became a faithful missionary)
Alma 48:17-19 (Captain Moroni and many others are men of God)
Mosiah 28:4 (Vilest of sinners)
Segment 5 - Kimberley Brown Sorenson
Moroni 10:2-3 (The Lord’s mercy)
Study Helps:
Patience is a calm endurance; the ability to endure affliction, insult, or injury without complaint or retaliation. (Patience, Guide to the Scriptures)
Segment 6 - Tammy Uzelac Hall
1 Nephi 1:20 (Tender mercies)
Words of the General Authorities:
Now, you’ll be in an onion patch much of your life. So will I. It will be hard to see the powers of heaven magnifying us or our efforts. It may even be hard to see our work being of any value at all. And sometimes our work won’t go well. But you didn’t come for the weeds. You came for the Savior. And if you pray, and if you choose to be clean, and if you choose to follow God’s servants, you will be able to work and wait long enough to bring down the powers of heaven. (Henry B. Eyring, “Waiting upon the Lord”, BYU Speeches delivered on September 30, 1990)
View transcript here.