Joseph Smith—History 1:1–26: Pillar of Light
The Doctrine and Covenants is a book of questions and answers, and the Restoration came about because of one specific question. Our discussion of Joseph Smith History 1:1–26 centers on the historical background of Joseph’s life before his prayer in the grove. This context can help when we have questions and give us hope in a God that answers.
Segment 1
JSH 1:10-11 (Joseph turned to other’s wisdom)
Ether 2:23-24, Genesis 6:16 (Light on the sea)
Segment 2
JSH 1:18-19 (A simple question and answer)
JSH 1:14 (Amidst anxiety he prayed)
JSH 1:21 (People didn’t believe in visions)
Study Helps:
The purpose of Joseph Smith’s history was to put us “in possession of the facts” because the truth about Joseph has often been distorted. (Come, Follow Me, D&C 2025 January 13–19)
Segment 3
JSH 1:1 (Why write a history)
JSH 1:17 (The First Vision)
JSH 1:25 (Joseph’s testimony of seeing God)
Words of the General Authorities:
Long imprisonments, vexatious and long continued Law Suits—The treachery of some of my Clerks; the death of others; and the poverty of myself and Brethren from continued plunder and driving, have prevented my handing down to posterity a connected memorandum of events desirable to all lovers of truth…I have continued to keep up a Journal in the best manner my circumstances would allow, and dictate for my history from time to time, as I have had opportunity, so that the labors and sufferings of the first Elders and Saints of this last kingdom might not wholly be lost to the world. (Joseph Smith, History of the Church 4:470, as recorded in The Earliest Documented Accounts of Joseph Smith’s First Vision by Dean C. Jessee)
Segment 4
JSH 1:3,4,7 (Joseph’s family and their religion)
Segment 5
JSH 1:8 (Joseph’s religious background)
James 1:2-5 (Pray when you lack knowledge and are in temptations)
Matthew 13:55, John 7:5 (Jesus’ family, including James)
JSH 1:12-13 (The impact of James 1:5)
Segment 6
JSH 1:15-17 (Joseph’s prayer and answer)
View transcript here.