The book of Helaman is considered an “annalistic” or annual writing because almost every year is mentioned starting in the 40th year of the reign of the judges and ending in the 90th year. A lot can happen in 50 years, and there is a lot to learn from Helaman 1–6. It is filled with both triumphs and tragedies—political intrigue, bands of robbers, rejection of the prophets, and pride and disbelief throughout the land. So “remember, remember” this account of the Nephites when you look back on the world 50 years ago or look forward to what the world will someday look like.
Segment 1
Helaman 6:2-3 (Great joy from missionary work)
Segment 2
Helaman 1:1 (Behold)
Helaman 2:8-9 (The plans and death of Kishkumen)
Helaman 2:13-14 (A foretelling of the end of the Gadianton Robbers)
Helaman 5:30 (The Holy Ghost is a still voice)
Behold - hinneh (Hebrew), idou (Greek) = Pay careful attention to what is to follow; it is very important! (Pay Careful Attention, Church News Archives)
Segment 3
Helaman 1:11 (Secret Combinations)
Helaman 6:21-22,30 (Satan is the start of secrets)
Alma 37:21,27-32 (Pattern of secrets)
Segment 4
Helaman 3:1,36 (Little and great pride)
Proverbs 16:18 (Pride goeth before destruction)
Helaman 5:12 (Remember Christ)
Helaman 5:12 (They did remember)
Helaman 5:6,9,12 ex. Remember (Theme words)
Segment 5
Helaman 5:19 (Nephi and Lehi baptize many Lamanites)
Helaman 5:23-26 (As if by fire)
His Light by Eleanor Perkey
Segment 6
Helaman 3:24-29 (Thus we see)
CR: 1 Nephi 16:29
CR: Helaman 6:34-36,40
View transcript here.