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Alma 8–12: Rejoice

Fri Jun 14 14:37:50 EDT 2024
Episode 25
0:00 / 0:00

When speaking about Alma 8–12, Elder D. Todd Christofferson once shared, “Our day is a replay of Book of Mormon history in which charismatic figures pursue unrighteous dominion over others, celebrate sexual license, and promote accumulating wealth as the object of our existence. Their philosophies ‘justify in committing a little sin’ [2 Nephi 28:28] or even a lot of sin, but none can offer redemption. That comes only through the blood of the Lamb” (“The Love of God,” October 2021). Thankfully, these scriptures teach that we can find hope in Christ’s redemption and a reason to rejoice—for everyone.

Segment 1

Alma 8:15 (Lift up your head and rejoice)
Alma 8:30 (Filled with the Holy Ghost)

Words of the General Authorities:
Our day is a replay of Book of Mormon history in which charismatic figures pursue unrighteous dominion over others, celebrate sexual license, and promote accumulating wealth as the object of our existence. Their philosophies “justify in committing a little sin” or even a lot of sin, but none can offer redemption. That comes only through the blood of the Lamb. (D. Todd Christofferson, “The Love of God”, October 2021 General Conference)

Segment 2

Alma 8:9-10 (Alma wrestled with God)
Alma 8:20-22 (Alma blesses Amulek’s house)
Alma 8:18 (Alma went speedily)
Alma 8:31 (Using the priesthood to show the Lord’s power)

Segment 3

Alma 9:6 (Law of witnesses)
CR: Deuteronomy 19:15
Alma 9:16-18 (Ignorance leads to hard hearts)
Alma 9:31-34 (The people get angry with Alma)

Alma 9:13 ex. Inasmuch as ye keep commandments/inasmuch as ye NOT keep commandments (Antithetical parallelism)

Segment 4

Alma 10:2-3 (Amulek’s genealogy)
Alma 10:11 (Amulek shows gratitude to God)
Alma 10:25 (Call to repentance)

Segment 5

Alma 10:28-32, Alma 11:21 (Zeezrom accuses Alma and Amulek)
Alma 11:5-19 (Denominations of money)
Alma 11:36-46 (Amulek defends himself)
Alma 11:25-27 (True and living God)

Segment 6

Alma 12:25-26,30,32-33 (Plan of Redemption)
Alma 12:14 (Our words will condemn us)
Alma 12:15 (His judgements are just)
CR: Alma 41:14

Redemption - ge’ullah = prior existence of an obligation, kindred by implication (Hebrew)

Words of the General Authorities:
If it is also true (in some way we don’t understand) that the cavity which suffering carves into our souls will one day also be the receptacle of joy, how infinitely greater Jesus’ capacity for joy, when he said, after his resurrection, “Behold, my joy is full.” How very, very full, indeed, his joy must have been! (Neal A. Maxwell, “But for a Small Moment”, BYU Speeches delivered on September 1, 1974)

View transcript here.

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