Who out there likes to bake or cook? Is there a recipe that you are known for, and do you have to follow it to a T? Today’s study of Alma 5-7 contains a recipe for testimony that all of us can be known for and there is a guarantee of success which thankfully has nothing to do with actual culinary skills.
Segment 1
Alma 5:6 (Do you remember?)
Alma 5:3 among many others (I say unto you)
Segment 2
Alma 4:17 (Nephihah appointed chief judge)
Alma 5:6 (You belong in the church)
Alma 5:12-13 (Mighty change in heart)
Stories are hardwired into our very biology. Our brains arrive filled with all the cognitive machinery needed to comprehend stories and share them with others. We are storytelling organisms that use narrative structures to organize our thoughts; because we use stories to recall facts, our knowledge is based on stories themselves. Little wonder, then, that our knowledge of early man shows evidence of storytelling—it was there from the start. (The Power of Story, National Geographic: Storytellers Collective)
Segment 3
Alma 5:14-33 (Personal inventory)
Alma 5:16 (Come unto me ye blessed)
Alma 5:21-22 (The judgment bar of God)
Words of the General Authorities:
I need to regularly take time to ask myself, ‘How am I doing?’…As a guide for me during this private, personal review, I like to read and ponder the introspective words found in the fifth chapter of Alma. (M. Russell Ballard, “Return and Receive”, April 2017 General Conference)
The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare. (Juma Ikangaa, referenced in Running With the Legends by Michael Sandrock)
Segment 4
Alma 5:43-60 (Your recipe for testimony)

Words of the General Authorities:
Our burdens are like rocks in the backpack. Generally, there are three kinds: Rocks there of our own doing because of sin, rocks in our backpack because of the poor decisions, misconduct, and unkindness of others, and rocks we carry because we are living in a fallen condition. These include the rocks of disease, pain, chronic illness, grief, disappointment, loneliness, and the effects of natural disasters. I joyfully declare that our mortal burdens, these rocks in our figurative backpack, need not feel heavy. (Camille N. Johnson, “Jesus Christ Is Relief”, April 2023 General Conference)
Segment 5
Spirit Scripture Chain:
Alma 4:20 (Spirit of Revelation and Prophecy)
Alma 5:46 (Spirit of Revelation)
Alma 5:47 (Spirit of Prophecy)
Alma 6:8 (Spirit of Prophecy)
Alma 7:5 (Spirit of God)
Alma 7:17 (Manifestation of the Spirit)
Title Page and Introduction to the Book of Mormon (Spirit of Prophecy and Revelation)
Words of the General Authorities:
Some years ago I enjoyed a stake conference assignment as a junior companion to Elder LeGrand Richards, who had, under the influence of this directing Spirit, reorganized a stake presidency. We were driving home; he was very pensive. After a rather long period of silence, I asked him if there was something he would like to teach me. Quietly he said, “We have too many in the Church who deny the spirit of prophecy and of revelation.” That was it—he said no more about it. As I reminisced about the calling of the new stake president that day, it occurred to me then that this Church could not function for even one day without the spirit of prophecy and revelation.
But ours is a day of dwindling faith and increasing skepticism about sacred things. Our time reminds me of the period just prior to the coming of the resurrected Savior to this continent. They were very dark days. (L. Aldin Porter, “The Spirit of Prophecy”, October 1996 General Conference)
Study Helps:
Divine revelation is one of the grandest concepts and principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for without it, man could not know of the things of God and could not be saved with any degree of salvation in the eternities…The principle of gaining knowledge by revelation is the principle of salvation. (Bible Dictionary, Revelation)
Segment 6
Alma 7:7 (God will come soon)
2 Nephi 25:26 (We talk of Christ)
Alma 7:11-13 (Christ will succor His people)
View transcript here.