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Alma 39-42: Mercy

Fri Aug 02 12:09:28 EDT 2024
Episode 32
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This week, we’re going to celebrate a little Christmas in August. In Alma 39–42, we hear a familiar chorus from the song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” What can we learn about “glad tidings” from Alma’s words to his sons? And how can we lean on this good news when times get hard?

Segment 1

Alma 42:13 (Redemption through repentance)
Alma 41:5 (Our desire leads to reward)
Alma 32:27 (Desire to believe)

Segment 2

Luke 2:10 (Good tidings of great joy)
Alma 39:15-19 (Glad tidings)

Glad Tidings Scripture Chain:
D&C 76:40
D&C 79:1
Helaman 13:7
Isaiah 52:7

Segment 3

Alma 42:10-11 (A time to prepare)

Segment 4

Alma 40 (Plan of Mercy)
1 John 4:8,16 (God is love)
Alma 40:3 (Personal testimony)

Segment 5

Alma 41:1-3 (Restoration of your body and desire)
D&C 88:28-29 (Your celestial spirit)
Alma 41:6-7 (Salvation for the repentant)
Alma 41:14-15 (What you send out will be returned)

Words of the General Authorities:
God is in relentless pursuit of you. He “wants all of His children to choose to return to Him,” and He employs every possible measure to bring you back. (Patrick Kearon, “God’s Intent Is to Bring You Home”, April 2024 General Conference)

Segment 6

Alma 42:1 (Why are wicked punished?)
Alma 42:30 (Alma’s plea about justice)

Alma 42:22-23 ex. Words building on each other (Climactic expression)

Count It All Joy: Finding Peace in a Troubled World by Sherrie Mills Johnson

View transcript here.

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