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Alma 32–35: Faith

Fri Jul 19 13:55:40 EDT 2024
Episode 30
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Alma 32–35 are the quintessential chapters on faith in the Book of Mormon, and however you have studied this topic before, we will approach it differently today. Cherie Call has borne testimony of faith through her life in song. So, sit back as you listen to and study this soundtrack of faith.

Segment 1

Learn more about our guest and listen to her music at her website

All That I Can Give by Cherie Call

Segment 2

Alma 32:17-18 (Faith is not seeing)
Alma 32:21,26 (Faith is hope for things which are not seen)
1 John 4:18 (Perfect love casts out fear)
Ether 2:23-25 (The Brother of Jared’s faith)
CR: Genesis 6:16

Where Faith Lives by Cherie Call

Segment 3

Alma 32:27 (Desire to believe)
Alma 32:28-33 (Faith like a seed)

Holding On by Cherie Call

Segment 4

Alma 32:37-43 (Nourish your faith)

Nourish = kul - Sustain, support, nourish, endure, contain (Hebrew)

How to Move a Mountain by Cherie Call

Segment 5

Alma 33:5-11 (Prayer)
Alma 34:17-27 (Cry to God)

Words of the General Authorities:
God is our Heavenly Father. He loves all of us. He knows our potential way better than we know ourselves. He knows not only the details of our lives. God knows the details of the details of the details of our lives. (Chi Hong (Sam) Wong, “They Cannot Prevail; We Cannot Fall”, April 2021 General Conference)

I pray because I can't help myself. I pray because I'm helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn't change God. It changes me. (Shadowlands, dir. Richard Attenborough)

No by Cherie Call

Segment 6

Alma 34:8-10 (Christ’s sacrifice)

It Passes All My Understanding by Cherie Call

View transcript here.

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