50: “Glory, and Power, Be unto … the Lamb for Ever” (Revelation 1-5)
In this episode, we'll begin our study of the book of Revelation—scriptures that some consider to be impossible to understand, overwhelming, and confusing. Our guest, Don Parry, says that the goal of studying Revelation is to “better understand God's designs for the future of the world and its inhabitants and prepare themselves better for the days ahead. In doing so, such individuals will find peace and calmness in their lives, because the Lord has promised us, 'If ye are prepared ye shall not fear' (Doctrine and Covenants 38:30).” So, let’s prepare, along with Don Parry, to dive into Revelation 1–5.
Understanding Doctrine Bundle by Don Parry and Jay Parry (includes Understanding the Book of Revelation and three more great books by Don and Jay)
Segment 1
Revelation 1:1 (John is a servant of Christ)
D&C 7:6 (John ministers)
Words of the General Authorities:
The book of Revelation is one of the plainest books God ever caused to be written. (Joseph Smith, History of the Church, 5:342)
Segment 2
Revelation 1:5-6 (Christ washed our sins)
Revelation 4:1 (John sees the door in heaven)
Revelation 13:18 (Number of the beast)
Revelation 11:9-11 (Three and a half is a division of seven)
Revelation 14:17, Revelation 16:17 (Temple in Heaven)
Revelation 11:19 (The ark in the temple in heaven)
Segment 3
Titles of Christ Scripture Chain:
Jesus Christ (Rev. 1:1)
Him which is, and which was, and which is to come (1:4)
Faithful Witness (1:5)
First begotten of the dead (1:5)
Prince of the kings of the earth (1:5)
Alpha and Omega (1:8)
Beginning and the ending (1:8)
The Almighty (1:8)
Lord (1:10)
First and Last (1:10)
Son of Man (1:13)
I am (1:18)
Hidden Manna (2:17)
Son of God (2:18)
Holy (3:7)
True (3:7)
The Amen (3:14)
The faithful and true witness (3:14)
The beginning of the creation of God (3:14)
Lord God Almighty (4:8)
Him that liveth forever and ever (4:10)
The Lion of the tribe of Judah (5:5)
Lamb (5:6, 12)
Words from the General Authorities:
As a title for Christ, it [amen] means that every word He has uttered will be fulfilled and every promise he has made will be kept. Through Him the purposes of God will be firmly and faithfully realized. (Jeffrey R. Holland, Witness for His Names, Deseret Book 2019)
Revelation is a Christ-centered text; it teaches us many important truths about his divine mission, mortal ministry, atoning sacrifice, resurrection, kingship, and glory. (Don Parry, Understanding the Book of Revelation, 6)
Segment 4

Segment 5
Revelation 4:1-3 (The word like a trumpet)
Revelation 1:14-15 (Christ’s glory)
Revelation 4:4-5 (God’s throne)
CR: D&C 77
Revelation 4:6-8 (A sea of glass)
Words of the General Authorities:
I suppose John saw beings there of a thousand forms, that had been saved from ten thousand times ten thousand earths like this,—strange beasts of which we have no conception: all might be seen in heaven. The grand secret was to show John what there was in heaven. John learned that God glorified Himself by saving all that His hands had made, whether beasts, fowls, fishes or men; and He will glorify Himself with them. (Joseph Smith, Teachings, pp. 289–91, from Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual)
Segment 6
Revelation 5:1-8 (Opening the seven seals)
Revelation 5:9-12 (The song of the book)
View transcript here.